"In Flames" opinions...

____________________________________________________"so the new testament album is going to be more melodic"

Now tell me if the new Testament album, is not just alittle bit influenced by In Flames.......................................? This was taken from a recent interview with Chuck Billy...............Alright In Flames Haters/Testament lovers what do you say now? I think it's going to be a great direction for Testament to explore............?
____________________________________________________I will again will re-post a previous statement done on 9-21-02, by:
DEADLYEMBRACE:..................................."In fact I've heard 2 rough songs Eric played for me, & it was melodic but heavy, & reminded me of IN FLAMES. I really liked them & totally like the direction...............................................
I'm sure the new album will have a combination of everything, that everyone will like......"

Sounds pretty In Flamable & incredible...................at least to me.........
:lol: :lol: :spin: :spin: :lol: :lol: :p :p :spin: :spin: :grin:
Even though I hate In Flames this doesnt discourage me because with Chuck's vocals and Erics writing, regardless of how influenced they are, it will still sound 1000 times better than anything In Flames can write/play.

Either way, the new album better be mostly OLD SCHOOL SPEED AND THRASH!
I like Whoracle & Clayman....When I first heard Inflames I thought they fucking RULED...but now the novelty has totally wore off.

Now they are mediocre IMO.