its the archenar thread!

I hear that! This has been the worst week of my year. Full moon Capricorn, the darkest emotional days of the year.

Bambi said:
look out yer window...full moon and all that :ill:

Susie said:
wait till you see the one i'm gonna post of him with mick , lukes singing and micks playin guitar, little toy ones that he got for xmas, but they work with an amp that lights up when you sing or strum :grin:
haha, yeah that one is a belter indeed!
Frodnat said:

a strange usage of "passive-aggressive"... hmmm, does that mean that a person which is reacting as an answer to an aggressive action is passive? This is kind of an unlogic definition then. ;)

The question is who started all of it and then became upset by the predictable answer of the people he provoked?

Hmmm, obviously a rhetorical question ;) !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I would have presumed, with the amount of pseudo-socialogical jargon that you inject into those meandering assemblies of random words loosely bound only by some obscure point you're trying (not) to make, which you call posts, that you would be familair with the term "passive-aggressive". maybe not

also "unlogic" is not a word but it nicely describes some of your attempts a sentence structure. I shall inform the chaps at oxford. :tickled:

i wasnt being agressive with little archie.
THAT was agressive, use it as a reference point .:Smug:

and whos upset??
and who provoked you??
have yis signed some kind of P-A/eW mutual defence pact??

trona: yeah id believe that capricorn thing, Im gettin hairier by the day, Im growling too :Spin:
Susie said:
wait till you see the one i'm gonna post of him with mick , lukes singing and micks playin guitar, little toy ones that he got for xmas, but they work with an amp that lights up when you sing or strum :grin:

Maybe Luke can do the backing vocals on the next record ;), would be nice...
Lenore said:
archernar i reckon you should start a forum with cerulean he did the " i leave the forum forever show " a few months ago and i even think he beat you on that one, he came back after a couple of days :lol:
Heh nono, I never said I'd never return hmm. And I took another username to make a 'clean start'. Fuck those times anyway it's shit.
Bambi said:
I would have presumed, with the amount of pseudo-socialogical jargon that you inject into those meandering assemblies of random words loosely bound only by some obscure point you're trying (not) to make, which you call posts, that you would be familair with the term "passive-aggressive". maybe not

also "unlogic" is not a word but it nicely describes some of your attempts a sentence structure. I shall inform the chaps at oxford. :tickled:

i wasnt being agressive with little archie.
THAT was agressive, use it as a reference point .:Smug:

and whos upset??
and who provoked you??
have yis signed some kind of P-A/eW mutual defence pact??

trona: yeah id believe that capricorn thing, Im gettin hairier by the day, Im growling too :Spin:
oh sorry... I meant illogical, but does it really change anything?

If you don´t get my point, then forget about it!!!
Cerulean said:
Heh nono, I never said I'd never return hmm. And I took another username to make a 'clean start'. Fuck those times anyway it's shit.

I missed this one :( It's the only anathema forum sitcom episode I've missed :(
I'm still trying to figure out the reason why this post was made. I shouldn't get pissed-off but I just can't. Even though I've never even established contact with you Bambi, I always thought of you as a rational guy. If someone regrets or thinks twice about something he's done he's a twat? Why is that? I'd suppose you've never felt regret of anything and then said you were sorry about it. If so, congratulations on that. I exposed my weakness and sorry about the (maybe ridiculous) dramatic way that I said I'd be gone. I admitted I just can't live without coming here almost everyday to check and post. What else should I have done like? Beg? Use a different nick and identity?

I know the sentence structures and lack of paragraphs above is ridiculous but you get the point.

Anyway, this sucks and I'm being an e-twat for caring about what you say. You can accuse me of that and I'll accept it. But I just can't bear with that "let's expose everything bad about this guy" attitude. Why do you even care I'm here FFS? Have I offended you?

And then again, maybe it's all just my fault....
cedarbreed said:
I missed this one :( It's the only anathema forum sitcom episode I've missed :(
You didn't miss this episode. I'm surprised you don't remember, cos it was a good dose of e-whining, and I'm DEAD ashamed by it. Was december 2002 I guess, cos I'm using Cerulean since januari last year. Anyway, let's forget about that :ill:
Fuck. :yell: Those bastards are always on strike FFS! I'll spawn armageddon the next time i visit the post office. :Shedevil: Lazy bastards...

And then again, maybe it's your post service's fault... :hypno:

And then again, maybe they're still examining the weird package... :hypno: :hypno: :hypno:

:ill: :erk: :yell:
Cerulean said:
You didn't miss this episode. I'm surprised you don't remember, cos it was a good dose of e-whining, and I'm DEAD ashamed by it. Was december 2002 I guess, cos I'm using Cerulean since januari last year. Anyway, let's forget about that :ill:

No I missed it, I only saw that you had announced your departure and some people were laughing at you, some weren't, like for Achernar. But I missed all the tragedy that happened during the night and the posts got deleted !