It's War!!!!

For a split second, I thought that said 'It's the fault of the people that drop plants on you'....Hm.....Maybe THAT is the key to victory.....Plant warfare......

Guardian of Darkness said:
For a split second, I thought that said 'It's the fault of the people that drop plants on you'....Hm.....Maybe THAT is the key to victory.....Plant warfare......

:err: did you smoke some?

I don't know, I'd be quicker to point out the guy that gives the go-ahead. Or in Bush terms "Ya'll cun go-head n' drop 'em bombs nah. Hyuck."

I'd hate to be the poor bastard that disobeyed a direct order. You'd get court marshalled, then thrown into the gas chamber. Or the 'lectric chair!!

Good times.
1. Bush is a moron.

2. Maddox is a moron.

3. Anyone who like Bush or Maddox is a moron.

4. Anyone who likes Bush and Maddox is a fucking Idiot.
I say forget watching CNN, BBC, and whatever and lets sit intently in front of our screens at the best site in the universe (maddox's that is) and wait for another article to hear what is going on with the war.