Its's Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm starting to think, after a few listens, that it's pretty dire, apart from about four songs........and the production is fucking horrible!!
Bruce's voice gets lost in a muddy noise of guitar and bass......WTF was Shirley thinking??
i think there are some belting tracks, but the other ones have excellent bits in them, just with a lot of boring music between each good bit.

Plus yeah the production sucks, when someone sent me wildest dreams i said this must be a leaked demo or something, then i was appalled to hear it was the fully mastered version :(
but anybody that doesnt like rainmaker should be shot, its the only track i really come back to straight away.
Iron Maiden ROCKS! said:
i think there are some belting tracks, but the other ones have excellent bits in them, just with a lot of boring music between each good bit.

Plus yeah the production sucks, when someone sent me wildest dreams i said this must be a leaked demo or something, then i was appalled to hear it was the fully mastered version :(
but anybody that doesnt like rainmaker should be shot, its the only track i really come back to straight away.

If songs like that impress you, it just shows your lack of creativity. Anyone who has been listening to Maiden atleast a few years and are familiar with their sound should be able to come up with average songs like Rainmaker. We've all got music in our heads and if you can't think up a plain, obvious melody like Rainmaker I feel sorry for you.
dreamwatch said:
I don't think it's that crash hot, but I intend to give it a few more listens before I judge it. I thought Mark was going to throw the CD player through the fucking window though... he wasn't happy. :(

He da man.
Firstly the prooduction was done intentionally. They tried to get a vintage 70's sound but then again u wouldn't have realised this cos u were expecting NOTB part 341324

John Silver stop throwing a hissy fit u big baby! See people like u truely don't understand what music is about! cos u think there is a right and a wrong when it comes to music and that everyone should have the same taste... U act like everyone should agree with u but in reality everyone forms their own opinion. Arbitrary my friend look it up cos thats how u should look at it and thats what it is. U might not like it for what ever reason but stop forcing ur whiney opinion down everyones throats!
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John Silver said:
If songs like that impress you, it just shows your lack of creativity. Anyone who has been listening to Maiden atleast a few years and are familiar with their sound should be able to come up with average songs like Rainmaker. We've all got music in our heads and if you can't think up a plain, obvious melody like Rainmaker I feel sorry for you.

Here we go! u think ur better at writing songs than MAiden now? ur aa fucking miserable twat face sonsa whore! u got a superiority complex and u must feel real inferior and insecure, it shows in the way u talk about these new <Maiden songs. U know last I checked Maiden were where they are cos they write great tunes. If its so easy to do it then why arn't u where they are? u know don't answer that I know ur a struggling musician or something of that nature that would explain why u are so bitter. heres some avices for ya... go play with yer fucking nana's 2 foot wide vibrators u fucking midget dick!