Its's Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing i couldn't stop thinking was about Montsegur chorus. Now i realized after some insightful listenings that is crap!! It's the most cheese thing i have ever heard from maiden with bruce and theres a lot. Right after the chorus Bruce starts to "sing" with those high melodies and that's crap as well. My rating lowered.
OK well... I have to give it a few more listens before I REALLY make up my mind on this one, but here are my thoughts so far.

I don't hate it. I'm not sure if I LOVE it either though.

It's odd because although it's a new album, when I listen to it it kinda feels like I'm listening to something that I've had for 10 years, except that I don't know the songs yet. Does that make any sense?

Anyway there's some good stuff on there, but there's also a lot that instantly reminds me of other Maiden songs from previous albums. There's also a couple of moments (can't think of them right now, but they're in there) that make me think "Spinal Tap" too. That's a worry innit?

Age Of Innocence would be the one that I like the least so far. When I read the lyrics on paper, they are good lyrics.. but when I listen to the song, I don't like them. Maybe it's just the delivery, I'm not sure. Just seems a bit too forced and passionless (I feel the same way about the verses in 'Nomad' from the previous album too).

But yeah... I'll reserve my judgement for a few more weeks. I remember not thinking BnW was particularly outstanding for a while too.. and it's now one of my fave Maiden albums... so who knows.
I don't particularly love the title track myself, but taken as a whole, with the story behind the lyrics, it's pretty entertaining. It makes me think of the title track on NOTB though - they should have made that crappy DoD intro HEAVY instead of acoustic!
Just bought the actual CD, I'm legal now. Dear god the mastering is shit though. Whoever let the A&R man into the mastering suite should be shot. Or just sack Rod ;)
I've been a Maiden fan for 19 years now, and I'm anything but a "fan boy". I have NO problem admitting the fact that the early 90s Maiden truly sucked - a total embarrassment. The Blaze era was even worse - mainly due to the AWFUL production.

Basically, Harris is an ego-maniacal prick who has "yes men" kissing his ass all day telling him how much of a god he is. In actuality, he needs one of the yes men to tell him the truth for once!

Anyway, with that being said, I quite ENJOY DOD. But, I wasn't expecting a return to the glory years. Maiden hasn't been "the cream of the metal crop" since 1988. And let's accept that.
Sure, they repeat themselves, sure they wreak of cheese, sure the "eddies on stage" are fucking stupid & childish beyond belief, BUT these songs are still quite good. The MELODY is still there....albeit in a repackaged, less original, less "heavy" package.

And, for the record, DUran Duran rules! New album due shortly: with the ORIGINAL lineup! !!!!!!
What is with Harris and those embarrasing intros. They are simply fucking awful.
A Harris intro used to be something like The Trooper or The Ides Of March.
I listened to Killers yesterday and an intro like Murders In The Rue Morgue had power and great bass playing. Also what a refreshing change to hear the vocals come in after a couple of bars on some tracks. Not this awful chordal shit that he thinks is so cool. Oh look at me I can play arpeggios on the bass guitar. So what they are really bad arpeggios.
it really shows how Harris's mucianship is deeply deeply flawed in a harmonic sense. I mean get out a fuckin chord book or something and grow.
its funny because when I saw them live many years ago (and Harris was my bass god) I was profoundly disappointed by his tone and absolutely awful live sound.
How someone who wrote Phantom Of The Opera all those years ago has basically failed to break out of Eminor- C- D progressions is one of the biggest
formulaic jokes of modern metal.
I mean he can do it if he pushes himself. Losfer Words does that in a nuanced way and is the best instrumental he has written.
The formula is old and Dickenson does sound very unconvincing on DOD.
I mean play Number Of the Beast. Listen to the title track with its 5/4 groove and classic major scale riff or The Prisoner. Its about the only time they played in Bminor in their entire career. Also Invaders has this really cool key change to Aflat major in the chorus. They have never done anything like that since.
Something has been lost and compalcency has long set in.

Despite all of the above I still fucking like some of it.