ITT an epic song i wrote and recorded on garageband


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
Jewsendit Link

yeah so this is the first rough demo for my project Mater Suspiriorum, did it all in a few days on garageband with the built-in mic on the laptop...sound quality is surprisingly good, especially the drum machine. i fucked up with the levels and stuff a bit and it's all pretty much the first or second take but for a first effort i'm pretty satisfied all in all. no vocals in this mix cuz i can't do them :lol:, i have some rough lyrics but i gotta get one of my friends to come in and lay down some grimness. there's another 4 or 5 minutes of material at the end i had to leave out cuz my laptop can't handle a 16-minute garageband track haha.

anyways, let me know what you think :kickass:
'Mater Suspiriorum'


I think more correctly it would be 'Mater Suspiriae', unless your classing of Susperia as a plural group of males is intentional and in some ways that's even funnier.
MajestikMøøse;7132814 said:
'Mater Suspiriorum'


I think more correctly it would be 'Mater Suspiriae', unless your classing of Susperia as a plural group of males is intentional and in some ways that's even funnier.

haha ah shut up, everyone who's had sex in the last 24 hrs raise your hand...jk, i don't know latin obviously, i just stole it from dario argento...

supposed to be "mother of sighs", i assume it's the "sighs" that is masculine/plural? i don't have a clue, clearly
touché, my good sir.

oh turns out it's neuter, susperia being the nom/acc plural form, so that is right. My bad. My first instinct was that the name was part of some elaborate 'your mom' joke.
Am I the only one who hears Opethian love making in this track?

FFWD to 3:28 for details.

4:40 or something like that, I thought I was listening to To Bid You Farewell for a minute, heh.

Some things are fine with bad production, this is not. I can't tell what the hell is going on whenever its not an acoustic section. Just sounds like a massive jumble coming out of my speakers whenever anything gets heavy.
Haven't I seen you before on the Opeth forum?


thanks for the comments to sound quality, i said it was rough didn't i? rough!

there'll be more to come in the future, whenever i have time to spend another couple full days not for a month at least, probably, but yeah.
I do think that Latin band names are almost invariably gay, whatever they translate as. Not that I have anything against Latin, but so many crappy bands seem to come up with awful pseudo-Latin monikers that it just makes me cringe.
I do think that Latin band names are almost invariably gay, whatever they translate as. Not that I have anything against Latin, but so many crappy bands seem to come up with awful pseudo-Latin monikers that it just makes me cringe.

actually i have to agree with you there, i tend to roll my eyes at it myself for the most part...i like the concept though, it's from thomas de quincey's "confessions of an english opium eater"

The second sister is called Mater Suspiriorum—Our Lady of Sighs. She never scales the clouds, nor walks abroad upon the winds. She wears no diadem. And her eyes, if they were ever seen, would be neither sweet nor subtle; no man could read their story; they would be found filled with perishing dreams, and with wrecks of forgotten delirium(...)
Murmur she may, but it is in her sleep. Whisper she may, but it is to herself in the twilight; Mutter she does at times, but it is in solitary places that are desolate as she is desolate, in ruined cities, and when the sun has gone down to his rest. This sister is the visitor of the Pariah, of the Jew, of the bondsman to the oar in the Mediterranean galleys; and of the English criminal in Norfolk Island, blotted out from the books of remembrance in sweet far-off England; of the baffled penitent reverting his eyes for ever upon a solitary grave, which to him seems the altar overthrown of some past and bloody sacrifice, on which altar no oblations can now be availing, whether towards pardon that he might implore, or towards reparation that he might attempt. Every slave that at noonday looks up to the tropical sun with timid reproach, as he points with one hand to the earth, our general mother, but for him a stepmother,—as he points with the other hand to the Bible, our general teacher, but against him sealed and sequestered;—every woman sitting in darkness, without love to shelter her head, or hope to illumine her solitude, because the heaven-born instincts kindling in her nature germs of holy affections which God implanted in her womanly bosom, having been stifled by social necessities, now burn sullenly to waste, like sepulchral lamps amongst the ancients; every nun defrauded of her unreturning May-time by wicked kinsman, whom God will judge; every captive in every dungeon; all that are betrayed and all that are rejected outcasts by traditionary law, and children of hereditary disgrace,—all these walk with Our Lady of Sighs.

so yeah i like the concept, it's sort of a working name but i like it
I do think that Latin band names are almost invariably gay, whatever they translate as.

some rule though, Glorior Belli or Atrium Carceri come to mind. Or the name of the band I'll (most ceratinly not) create in a distant future :))), Canes Domini. Generally I find latin quotes dropped in in lyrics/books awkward and more than a little self-indulgent.
Yeah that is indeed a killer extract... but why not just settle for the English title Lady of Sighs? Still not great-sounding but removes that pompous Latinate edge! :lol:
some rule though, Glorior Belli or Atrium Carceri come to mind. Or the name of the band I'll (most ceratinly not) create in a distant future :))), Canes Domini. Generally I find latin quotes dropped in in lyrics/books awkward and more than a little self-indulgent.

I don't really like any of them either.

But I disagree slightly about the quotes; I don't have such a problem with that, because a quote is usually inserted because it has a cool meaning, and was probably composed in that language in the first place. My problem with Latinate band names is (i) they often seem like the band just thought of a "metal" phrase then translated it to make it more obscure or cult or whatever, and (ii) even if it is a genuine phrase once used by Latin speakers, it is such a cliche that I always find those sorts of names lame.
Yeah that is indeed a killer extract... but why not just settle for the English title Lady of Sighs? Still not great-sounding but removes that pompous Latinate edge! :lol:

"lady of sighs" just doesn't have the same vocal impact, it sounds weaker to my ears. considering this is the first thing i've done for this project there's a good chance it'll change but we'll see if i get tired of it. comments appreciated though, i agree it's a bit of a cliche but at least i didn't just translate the first phrase that came to mind heh :Smokin: <----underused emoticon

Generally I find latin quotes dropped in in lyrics/books awkward and more than a little self-indulgent.
except for DsO you mean