ITT an epic song i wrote and recorded on garageband

it took me all of 2 hours to write and grind we trust!!

chupacabra al pastor

k i decided divine victim is right after all and the latin name thing is too easy so i'm calling it "the earth sighed" now, less grimm but less generic (funny how those tend to go together)

new tracks! first ones very short, just a sort of interlude, the other ones the first part of a 3-part song. anyone who is interested in maybe doing some vokills on this pm me eh? i only have vague ambitions for this right now but sooner or later i want to make it more for real.

For Each Tree A Burial Mound
I'm enjoying the new stuff much more than the tracks from a couple months back. Nice to see you cut back on the Opeth love. Though, the acoustic transitions need to be smoother me thinks.