ITT: everything is cute


maybe it will get its proper appreciation here.
anyway, back to business.

AWWWWWW! so cute. look at that cuddly wuddly cute lil' driver-matsumiya scull! i want to stuff his gaping face-hole with cotttttton caaaaaaaaaaandddddyyyyyy.

sooooo cutttttttteeeeeeeeeeee

oh my fucking god, i'm creeping myself out. i'm stopping now.
Also, those furry bunny pictures remind me of these cute baby bunnies my mom (and therefor, also myself) took care of when my cute ol' dog chewed up their cute momma bunny. They were cute wild bunnies and didn't take well to captivity, and 2/3 of the cute baby bunnies cutely stopped eating and died. Poor cute little sole surviving bunny probably has bunny mental problems, wherever it may now be.