ITT, Firefox users get rid of all the ads on UM

cool. although i'll miss seeing this at the KO. forum:


(lizard posts there a lot, which makes this Hi-Lar-I-Ous)
Erik said:
I didn't know Adblock did text ads, but anyway, doing this by editing CSS is far cooler IMO

It blocks any external resources you like, and since the ads are served by Javascript on Google's servers then you can block them:


So just make a new filter that blocks ** and you'll block all Google AdSense ads.

I don't block them since they're pretty unobtrusive and I much prefer them to banners or popups, but 'tever floats yer boat :)

Edit: if you want to block Google ads on UM but nowhere else:

@-moz-document domain( {
    .topGoogAd, #AdHalfText, #AdLeader, #AdStandard, .promoCol {
        display: none !important;

Requires Firefox 1.5, I think.
Let me tell you why you are an ass Erik. The ads help to supplement paying for this new server so I don't have to listen to your bitch ass whining about the site being down, etc. etc.. They are minimal and no big deal and have helped towards the server this month significantly. Thanks, appreciate it.
Erik said:
By the way Deron, doing it this way I am pretty sure that the ads still LOAD, they only get HIDDEN in the user agent, so basically you still get your ad impressions, but no clicks :cool:

Oh wait is that worse, wasting ad impressions without a chance of clicks :cool: Oh well

I don't get credit for loads, only click throughs.
You're a lame ass fuck I'll leave it at that. It's one thing to tick me off for the kick of it but shit like this is simply not cool.

You know...I can't wait until you get out of your schooling one day and have to deal with bands trying to jack you down in price because they have no money, and labels whining about pricing and you having to jack down your prices all the while whining about equipment costs and how you have to pay for this and that and "if my prices go down how am I supposed to do it wahhh..." In other words, I can't wait for you to join the real world to deal with real bills and real obligations. Have a dorito on me in the meantime.
MetalAges said:
I don't get credit for loads, only click throughs.

I don't click ads ever, as I guess is the case with many other users. It's not out of some weird principle, but even if I look at them without my eyes automatically scanning past them, they virtually never contain anything of interest - and even if they did, I tend to be distrustful of people who advertise products on the internet. Just looking at the top of the forum now, I can see ads for:

"Download vBulletin"
"Free Vbulletin"
"Excell Password"
"Password Reset"
"Admin Password"

I've not clicked them, but I'd bet money all of them were crappy spam sites.

So I don't block your ads but I don't click them either, which I guess is just the same as blocking them :)
Reduce the amount of RAM Firefox uses for its cache feature

1. Type “about:config” (no quotes) in the adress bar in the browser.
2. Find “browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewer”
3. Set it’s value to “0“;(Zero)
Increase the Speed at Which Firefox loads pages

1. Type “about:config” into the address bar and hit Enter.
(Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.)
2. Alter the entries as follows:
Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to “true”
Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to some number like 10.
This means it will make 10 requests at once.
3. Lastly, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set its value to “0“;.(Zero)
This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. If you’re using a broadband connection you’ll load pages faster now.
Optionally (for even faster web browsing) here are some more options for your about:config (you might have to create some of these entries by Right Click –> New– > Interger or String
network.dns.disableIPv6: set “false”
“content.notify.backoffcount”: set “5“; (Five)
“plugin.expose_full_path”: set “true”.
“ui.submenuDelay”: set “0; (zero)
Reduce RAM usage to 10MB when Firefox is minimized:

This little hack will drop Firefox’s RAM usage down to 10 Mb when minimized:
1. Open Firefox and go to the Address Bar. Type in about:config and then press Enter.
2. Right Click in the page and select New -> Boolean.
3. In the box that pops up enter “config.trim_on_minimize”. Press Enter.
4. Now select True and then press Enter.
5. Restart Firefox.