ITT, Firefox users get rid of all the ads on UM

Speaking of RAM, my buddy described a time to me where in 7th grade he and two chums went on a gay bashing soiree. They pummeled the fuck out of a couple middle aged prancers just as our grandfathers did back in times of splendor. Quite deserving, as these Prop 8 ankle hammocks would go up in to the hills above Dodger Stadium and commit acts of Public Disgrace against one another under a firmament of faggotry. One beating turned in to two, two in to three. Until one day, a dozen dignitaries of dicklicking stood high upon the hills of Elysian with french ticklers in tow, awaiting their advance. A recent invitee of corpulent build rounded out the cadre on this particular occasion. Upon seeing the acolytes of Freddy Mercury they quickly ran as fast as their nimble legs could take them, but the sandlot was just too much sprawl for the obese kid to cover. The Trader Joe's regulars grabbed the piggy, spectacles and all, and pulverized his medulla oblongata in Deliverance esque fashion. My friend and his two chums ran back to the favela before the five-o got wind that the queers were steered by a body of prepubescent justice. This was well over a decade ago, all statutes have been surpassed, and I could be making all this shit up.* Moral of the story, you can have too much RAM.

The following is used to protect the innocent*
What browser do you guys use?

I was a FF convert for the last few years but it's been a dog the last few months. Weird freezes, loading issues, flash problems ... you name it.

Going to try Chrome full time ...

firefox. chrome is a little dumb, but pretty good too. opera is cool too. the only thing that sucks now and forever is ie, as long as you use anything other than ie youre good

that said i can nearly guarantee you your problems are not firefox's fault. hard to say what they are (a crappy antivirus program hogging all the resources?) but firefox is zippier than ever these days
looks like something in FF ... 1 hr on Chrome so far and no issues ... i was getting issues literally every 10 minuted on FF ... home and office too ... both machines on Win 7 ... could be some connection there.

i'll continue to use the dumb browser for now.
it might be a plugin misbehaving otherwise i have no idea

or some really obscure problem with your particular configuration, but i know of no general problem that would make firefox behave that way. you're probably just unlucky. go with chrome, it will serve you well i'm sure
yeah, i just disabled a shitload of plugins and updated others ... i'll see what happens.
