ITT: I am totally on vacation

oh, wait.

Does Jack Chick hate Catholics? Quite the opposite. In the mid-1970's, when he first began to understand what Roman Catholicism really teaches, he knew it was unscriptural. He also knew that to speak out against it would be unpopular and hurt his publishing company.

After much prayer, he made the decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would publish the truth that Roman Catholicism is not Christian.
unions rule! my salary for a year (in philly) was paid by a coalition of unions--AFSCME and AFL-CIO primarily, i think--since i did advocacy work for workers!
You do not have our unions. You would think every union leader is the reincarnation of Lenin. And they have to much power. After a year here the place cannot fire me unless I do something really stupid, I could come everyday and do jack shit and still not be fired. I have four weeks vacation and I was just hired.. etc..
xfer said:
man, you guys are gonna have a shitty France-like economy soon if you don't watch out.
Exactly why I can't believe I am in a union now. The main problem is that the public sector is so big and everything there is controlled by 3 centralized unions that have such a big influence on the government that they are not able to do what it has to do to get the spending in check. Quebec is the second largest province in Canada and we are the ones that have the most problem not being in budgetary deficit, and that's not counting our debt.

I am in a union because I work for a para-governmental corporation. We are providing lots of money to government so our business isn't exactly a problem.