ITT We Discuss AiC

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
Before you say, "OK, dorian, time to stop living in the early nineties..." (to which I would respond, "nah.") tell me about your experience with AiC. What is their best song? How influential were/are they in the music scene? How influential were/are they in your personal musical tastes? Did their sound point you toward other bands? Etc.

My answer for best song is "Rain When I Die". I honestly don't know how influential they were to the greater music scene. I think their sound and especially the album Dirt influenced my listening habits greatly. At the time I was listening to Megadeth, Metallica, Rush, Yngwie, etc. - nothing really heavy and depressing. I think their sound directly led me to listen to heavier, darker stuff, albeit unconsciously.

Too bad that loser killed himself, it'd be interesting to hear what AiC would be doing today.
edit: I noticed I said "nothing really heavy" in reference to Deth and Metallica. I meant heavy in a doom sense. I dont consider either of those bands to be "heavy" per se, they are more thrashy. AiC were heavier than those bands combined, imo. Most casual listeners would probably disagree.
"Down in a Hole", "Rooster" and "Rain When I Die". Great band. It's good to see that most "Metalheads" didn't pass over them, simply because they were from Seattle.

And if you like AiC, and have never heard the lone Mad Season disc, stop what you're doing and buy it.

Im not sure why I could never get that into AIC to be honest. I always liked a few songs by them, but they never really clicked all that much. I was much more into Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, and Rage when I was a young lad.