ITT we discuss my KO. dream


ghetto philosopher
Jul 7, 2001
behind closed eyelids
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I just had a dream about Kayo Dot. They were having a party in the house of my former neighbors. It was really difficult to get them all together. Alex was there, too. I don't remember a ton about it now and only remember Toby and Alex. I think I made of a movie of the whole night of partying, and it was shown to the KD fans who didn't like the movie at all because they thought Toby was being too "artsy" or something. I don't remember much about the party, but everyone was drinking beer I think. There was a lot of running around inside the house and outside on the balcony. There was something that I can't remember about Alex and Toby bonding, as if there were a problem that was plaguing them. They worked together and overcame whatever it was and celebrated. At some point, we kind of made fun of the Opeth silver tin limited edition cds, which led to discussion of KISS merchwhoreness. There was a fan who saw my film that was really into Opeth and also collected a ton of KISS shit who was offended. Then Toby and company made a film in honor of my dream/film. Alex was in a suit made of Michael Caine's face and the voice of Emilio Estevez. That's about all I remember. Back to sleep now.
i had a Kayo Dot dream last night, too!! and it was one of the most fucked-up dreams i've had in years!

okay, basically, I had purchased a 40gig iPod as a gift for my friend Dan. i had set it down for a minute and looked away and when i looked back, a young man in a suit had seized it and immediately SPIKED it into the sidewalk!!

i charged after him. you'd think this would be one of those "i ran and ran but never caught him" dream-sequences, but i caught up to him immediately and tackled him. he tried to get up and swing back at me, so i punched him. he kept trying to get up without being seemingly affected by the punches so i kept socking him. finally he was still and i looked around for a policeman. Dan was standing in the distance holding the iPod, which was flashing with red lights (iPods don't have red lights) and completely ruined. i searched the man and found a 30gig iPod in his pocket and took it. it was kind of beat up, but worked.

i went into a nearby house and there was a party going on. talking around, people were saying "did you hear? DJ got beaten up really badly and is in the hospital!" and started looking at me accusingly. i looked out the window and they were loading the man with the suit into an ambulance AND IT WAS DJ!

i felt awful and tried to apologize to everyone around me, but people just glared at me and turned away. many personalities made their appearances in the dream, including Sam, Toby, etc. and everyone was pissed that I had assaulted DJ. Ryan had to be held back from assaulting me and for a long time i was just going around apologizing.

people were all making threats by the end of the party and i was like !!!. but the party eventually ended. i was getting ready to go to bed and dropped a tray-like object which had lots of sharpened pencils and the like on it, sticking straight up. i bent down to pick it up, lifted it up like a waiter's tray as i stood...

...and put it directly into the face of an assassin looming over me with a knife.

it turns out the assassin was the leader of a huge nationwide FSU-like gang and he had come to kill me for fighting with DJ! but now he had the spiked tray embedded in his face and was writhing on the ground. i knelt on his wrist and he dropped the knife and lay there quietly until the police arrived.

the rest of the dream gets hazy, but it involved lots of eye-gouging a la a Fulci film or something. i think DJ and i finally met at the end and he forgave me.
he kept trying to get up without being seemingly affected by the punches so i kept socking him.

Hey at least your punches landed. That's a small but positive step from getting into dream fights and having your hands suddenly go completely numb and uncoordinated. Second most common recurring dream theme that suggests impotency after the 'oh man, I am wearing no shoes/clothes!' thing.
heh, first thing I do when I'm done pulverising a dude in the streets is look for cops as well!

also, the spiked tray is one of the best weapons ever.
I had a dream that Alex and my sister were getting married. It was extremely detailed and rather surreal. Davey was my date to the wedding and I caught the boquette. And I remember telling this big long story at the wedding reception about how I introduced them and how my sister was pregnant and that's why they were getting married and that it wasn't even Alex's baby but she wasn't going to tell him about that. Alex looked at my sister completely heartbroken and almost cried. I went to give him a hug and tell him that everything was going to be okay and overall comfort him and my sister hit me in the face. That's when I woke up.
this is odd, but i ALSO had a kayo dot dream last night!

i don't remember much of it, except that we were playing one of our tour dates in chicago. it was this gigantic stage, but large lengthwise and very, very skinny. it was maybe half a mile long and i got to play violin while skipping up and down the stage. it was very wizard of oz. i remember one pretty slutty looking girl with a mullet in the audience, who then took off her head, revealing that it was just a slutty girl face mask, and that she was actually a warthog (tusks and all!) she was also wearing a cross necklace and carrying a bible so i got all excited that maybe she was in some alien cult and she would give me some of her slutty cult warthog-alien paraphenalia for my cult paraphenalia collection.

the sound of my violin was really soft and barely audible and i was getting sort of frustrated.

then toby puked because the warthog slut girl started emitting this weird smell that was making everyone sick. she had really huge tits too. then we heard that someone really famous was in the audience.