My Kayo Dot dream

Kitty Star, I can hook you up with some guys, granted they will use you for meaningless sex and leave you in the morning alone, handcuffed to the bed, and totally naked, except you'll be covered in old money. But not all of that is yours, I still get a cut. Pimping ain't easy...
Kitty Star strikes me as the kind of girl who, weekly, corners the guy she is dating and demands, "Are you my boyfriend officially yet? Do you love me? How often do you think about other girls? How many months do you think until we get married? How many girls have you dated ever? How many girls have you kissed? Are you my boyfriend officially yet?"
xfer said:
Kitty Star strikes me as the kind of girl who, weekly, corners the guy she is dating and demands, "Are you my boyfriend officially yet? Do you love me? How often do you think about other girls? How many months do you think until we get married? How many girls have you dated ever? How many girls have you kissed? Are you my boyfriend officially yet?"

I haven't had a boyfriend in over a year. Not since I left the guy I was engaged to. He was a totally abusive fuckhead. Since then I have been a little traumatized in the relationship department. So there aren't any boys to back into corners and ask these questions to. It is more like I let boys take me out and then when they ask if I am their girlfriend I laugh in their faces.
0sm0se said:
Kitty Star, I can hook you up with some guys, granted they will use you for meaningless sex and leave you in the morning alone, handcuffed to the bed, and totally naked, except you'll be covered in old money. But not all of that is yours, I still get a cut. Pimping ain't easy...
hm i thought i was the only one that did that to people. cool.