ITT we post cool videos from

Smack my Bitch Up kicks serious ass.

This video is pretty rad.

FUN FACT ALERT: Directed by the original drummer of Bathory. Probably oldest news ever? Watevvzzz.
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this song is so fucking good. WHY no studio version



man this is SO BEAUTIFUL. i really really hope the guy will record this for the next album
you have all probably seen this, but i never check this thread, so ignore it if you have

i've decided that my band is going to start rehearsing a version of "fly on the eye of the lamb", i love singing this song and i have some pretty good ideas for how it's going to sound in a slightly more distorted setting
he directed that crazy tweaker movie Spun as well.

he did? ... what the heck does that Swedish meatball know about midwestern meth heads?

that movie was pretty bad, but I did enjoy the opening frantic sequence in the house.