ITT we post cool videos from

You obviously care nothing about atmosphere in your music. Think outside the bun with Obscura.

(I do agree however that the first two had the yums though)

*666th post!
i have never seen or heard DEATH do covers live ... so this is a rare find

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Specifically for Ken:

The part at 2:55 kicks my face in
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here's some ear porn

That, my good man, would be the drummer for Porcupine Tree.
I found all manner of craziness from him by a quick youtube search. I knew he was awesome but I never realized he had so much range. A consummate musician.
Yes, YES. Gavin is my all time favourite drummer and probably my single biggest influence with drumming. Amazing musician who never fails to impress and keep things interesting.

Yeah, he changes his fills as he sees fit. Incredibly talented and yet *tasteful* musician. I can listen to him all day