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I have a question about this type of thing: what exactly determines the outcome? Seems to me, it's just a matter of memorizing the drum parts, no? I mean, he's playing SLAYER songs in front of SLAYER. Were they like, "well, he *did* miss that 16th note in the 49th bar."
It makes me think it just comes down to something intangible, like personality or maybe even what shirt the guy wears to the audition.
I think it does come down to intangibles in the end.
I mean the people they invite to come down are all competent and seasoned pros.
in the end it's probably, can I deal with this fuck for 4 months at a time on the road and is he willing to kill goats.
haha yeah that's what I thought. I can't imagine there's a significant difference among professional drummers from a technical standpoint. Style and creativity, yes, technicality, nay.
Maybe they didn't like his "goofy demeanor" haha
I did think a few times in the videos above that he was going to break into some Tommy Lee type stick twirling :lol: ... maybe he was just excited.

anyway, the 2 famous auditions/selections that have been well documented are the 2 Metallica bass ones ... both came down to personality.

but I think it's just like any other job interview ... first your skills are scrutinized, but then it all comes down to is this person cool enough to work well with the rest of the staff and will he cause problems.
From an interview:

Maelstrom: I can't imagine why they wouldn't take either of those guys, or you for that matter. We're talking about some of the best drummers for metal that I can think of.

Proscriptor McGovern: They don't want anyone that's been established in a band before. Plus they don't like my "black metal imagery."
Proscriptor IS a bit on the scary side.

Dorian would have been a logical choice, seeing how he is a family man and all.
Funny you mention that.
I asked the wife for a divorce this weekend.
I guess I'm more of a *father* man than a *family* man.
Either way, yeah, I should've been the new Slayer drummer.
fuck, don't say that dude. i seriously got bummed out.
really hope you can work it out!!!
That's nice. Thanks for saying that.
However, sometimes people are better off not being together.
Who knows. Maybe it's a HUGE mistake.
The only person who has been supportive in this case is the only person I know who is divorced hahaha not exactly an unbiased opinion
That's nice. Thanks for saying that.
However, sometimes people are better off not being together.
Who knows. Maybe it's a HUGE mistake.
The only person who has been supportive in this case is the only person I know who is divorced hahaha not exactly an unbiased opinion
Based on your infrequent family posts here you don't seem to like your wife very much so good call :Smokin:
Good luck Dorian. If it's going to happen then I guess it's better now than later; if the kids were older then it might affect them on a higher emotional level. My parents almost got divorced before I was even a year old. They stayed married for the sake of my brothers and me, but aside from my dad's financial contribution, he's always kind of been a deadbeat. He let our house fall apart to a condemnable level, like those nasty houses you see on Hoarders. Might have been better off all those years if they had gotten divorced...

This was just my experience, so don't take it the wrong way; I'm sure you're not like that AT ALL.
Care to elaborate? Is it the religious things? I know you've talked about that before.

I honestly don't know if I should congratulate you or say I'm sorry.
only on RC can a random video of a drum audition for Slayer segue into a divorce discussion.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but only on good terms. You two kids took a Ross & Rachel esque break two years back did ye not? Such a hiatus only helps an individual realize, "hey I can live without this person". Sentimentality soon overrides, another ball park try is initiated, until square one rears it's Nathrahk head, and the final pump of emotion is strangled like David Carridine when the drapery falls.