ITT we post cool videos from

Must be racial police brutality? Fuck off! He was out-manned and she was ASSAULTING HIM!!! Die scum.
It's a shame he had to try to explain himself to these imbeciles. FUCK! The whole world hate white males. Blacks are not victims in situations like these.

I originally viewed this vid at work and had to play the pc role or be labeled a racist. I do say that that cop didn't know fuck all of what he was doing. Throw the gorilla face first to the ground, her gnat traps would cushion the fall.
this dude has the entire Sofia gig in HD on his youtube account ... the one that was broadcast to theaters.

also after watching a few clips from each band from this same show ... Metallica still looks to be in the best overall shape out of all of them. physically and all ... and one who really goes balls out still on stage. never really would have thought, but watching all of these bands in a row, its pretty obvious.

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Proscriptor auditioning for Slayer. I didn't expect a video of this to actually exist!

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sounds better than Bostaph to me ... he does have a somewhat goofy demeanor behind the kit however.

I remember this was a big deal when it happened and he was one of the front-runners of getting the gig.