ITT we post cool videos from

Candlemass playing Rainbow's Stargazer- Hella kool concept but not as impressive as it should be, at least on this video. If you were there I bet it was erection inducing.
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Candlemass playing Rainbow's Stargazer- Hella kool concept but not as impressive as it should be, at least on this video. If you were there I bet it was erection inducing.

hahah probably better than the Incantation version I saw live.
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hahaha, just clicked on that, thought it was just a dark photo at first.

I heart NY

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I saw this for the first time just a couple days ago.
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the recording from this gig is just so fucking awesome

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Where's that post I made earlier about how youtube comments couldn't get any worse? Meh. Just when I thought I'd heard it all...I went and did a search for a particular subwoofer

mon dieu!