ITT we post cool videos from

My daughter Nicole Just graduated from high school. She had a good job, and had just moved into her very first house as an adult on her own. I'm so proud of her.
Unfortunately Nicole with her roommates, and a girlfriend were being crazy young adults one afternoon. Jumping from the roof of their house into the pool. I'm surprised that Nicole would even try something like that. She's not the very daring type. She hesitated at the last moment. She missed the pool.
Yes, We have video of the accident. They never expected the jump to go wrong. WARNING The video is graphic. I wish I had never watched it.
Nicole has broken both of her feet. She didn't have medical insurance at the time. Fortunately, Nicole's Dad has been able to add her to his insurance. Today she's having CAT scan. We should know by the end of the day when her next surgery will be.
Nicole is expected to be disabled for at least 6 months to a year. She's in a wheel chair. Not taking it very well I might add. The issue is that Nicole had just moved into her first house with the best roommates. Nicole not being able to work can't pay her share of the bills. This threatens not only her losing her place to live, but her roommate's as well. Their credit too. They have signed a years lease.
I paid her share this month, but We need help while Nicole is in recovery. Living expenses. I've broken it down for you.
Expected time down is 6 months.
Nicole's share of the rent is $300 x 6 = $1800
Add up to $400 a month x 6 = $2400
One way, or another she will survive. But honestly Nicole could really use some financial help. Of course Her Father, and I will help. But We can only help so much. I've always been a very giving person, and I believe you reap what you sow. God has blessed us so very much. I hate to ask for help. This is not easy. But its better then Nicole, and her roommates losing their home. This is a great group of young adults that worked hard, and saved to get this place.

Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Prayers are most defiantly appreciated as well. Thank You Everyone. I will be updating on Nicole's progress.
By the way. My name Is Carrie. I'm Nicole's Mom.
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I usually forget that I even have a YouTube channel. Here is one example of all the culturally significant things that I post therein.

When the Smashing Pumpkins were auditioning for a new bassist they said SEND US YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO! So I gave them this one. Never heard back. Fuckers.

This is a shop tour of our old place in Yucaipa. I think the dialogue sums up the collective feelings of that filthy pit.

My directorial debut of a short horror film.
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i can't believe that got a grand total of ONE response on the forum

do you realize how hard we worked on this (not for you, particularly, but anyway)
i can't believe that got a grand total of ONE response on the forum

do you realize how hard we worked on this (not for you, particularly, but anyway)
Anyone who doesn't watch Rickowar several times (like I did) is truly missing out.

Hilarious and very well done. All hail STEEL OF GLORY / GLORY OF STEEL. :lol: