itt you help me with my computer

haha i'm not that hopeless

ok claws, i think it's just all this music haha, i wonder how much it can hold though...i've been trying to delete stuff but whatever, summer vacation starts friday and i won't be using it for a bit

at this point it's really running slowly, would a defrag help with that then?
If your hard drive is full, that's why it's running slowly. Windows traditionally needs about a gig of free space to run the swap file efficiently, and if you don't have over a gig of RAM, you're in for a slow fucking time. Clear some space or get a new drive.
I don't think a defragger can help a full hard drive, they need space to store what they're defragging.

delete unused programs
delete all temp files (some get fucking huge, one PC I did this on had a temp file so large it wouldn't fit in the recycle bin!!)
delete the bulk of your cookies and history

you can always buy a 2nd hard drive, there's plenty of instruction out there on how to put it in, do the pins for master and slave, etc