I've become so jaded about recordings, that i dont even like my own mixes anymore.

there is a switch that i am able to turn on and off on whether im critically listening to something, or listening to it for enjoyment. If you can flip the enjoyment switch on, you should be able to listen to the music and not worry about the tone or how things are panned or mixed. You kind of zone out and just listen to the material.... you know... kind of like you did when you were a kid before you got into audio engineering.
Then when the critical listening switch is, you can do the opposite and pay attention to the production aspect and analyzing a mix.

Unless the production is so bad that you cant even listen to the music.
mostly the music is so bad i cant listen to the production... since getting into AE'ing i started to really prefer good music with shitty production to shitty music with good production, bofore getting into audio engineering it was the other way around.
you trying to tell me something? haha

Nothing more than what's written, haha.

What's wrong with your new mixing room? Maybe try for a change of scenery? Original bands are hard to come by anywhere, but just switching genres for a few projects may help you recenter. I'd certainly go insane if I had to do thrash/power projects for years straight.
I'm glad I'm also in a band, because I realize if I was JUST an engineer I'd probably be in this position too, so I'm still not THAT jaded. I do my best to bring out the best parts of each band, focusing on the best elements and doing the whole thing justice. Sometimes it's not exactly me LIKING the result, but it's being able to see the merit in it, and of course, if the band is happy with it, that's the main thing.
I can pick ANY professional album that someone paid thousands of dollars for, and find many things I don't like about it quality wise..

same here, hopefully it proves to be a good thing...

i spend way too much time on the production of my own projects though.