I've hit a wall mixwise :(

But things are still "Unfinished" as you stated.....so completely finish everything to your fullest ability and then post and judge.......So many people on this forum post stuff and explain "There's alot of bad playing and unfinished stuff, will you take a listen and give me pointers" .......personally i would never post anything until it was fully done....because there is no way to tell until it's fully done
But things are still "Unfinished" as you stated.....so completely finish everything to your fullest ability and then post and judge.......So many people on this forum post stuff and explain "There's alot of bad playing and unfinished stuff, will you take a listen and give me pointers" .......personally i would never post anything until it was fully done....because there is no way to tell until it's fully done

Completed version is now up :D

Really? Not kidding. My suggestion: Do something to the drummer. He's so untight it's not funny. Let him practise playing to a click. See your sig.
Mixwise, add some depth. It's very upfront. Even the echoed guitars. And then it's rather dull sounding. Some ambience would take away the sterile and artificial feeling.

drummers untight? its programmed :D
and as for the sterile thing, that's what im trying to get away from , so i'll try adding in some more reverb and delay to the guitar tracks. Also how do you suggest making it less upfront?
drummers untight? its programmed :D
and as for the sterile thing, that's what im trying to get away from , so i'll try adding in some more reverb and delay to the guitar tracks. Also how do you suggest making it less upfront?

Programmed? Hahaha! OK, then I blame the too high amount of inapropriately adjusted reverb for this untight feeling. Also the guitars have an untight feeling with those delays. You might wanna try to turn down all delay and verb to make sure it's not. It's not a taste thing here, I actually like your music. Whatever the right genre name for that might be.

When you pan signals including delay and reverb strongly to the sides the depth goes away. It becomes width. So taking all the extreme pannings down, taking some highs of the delays and carefully tuning the delays and predelays should help to get depth and get rid of the untight rhythmic feeling. Also play with the reverb's room size to see what works best for this tune.
Make sure to balance room size and reverb level to achieve depth.

ok redone (only slighly)
more verb on the twangy rhythm, I also lowered the level of that guitar. had a bit of a fuck around with the reverb settings and added a bigger size with less stereo width. Also edited some sloppy bits into place, i could've retracked but it took me about 10 minutes to fix the timing issues. Also as a side note there will be vocals so im trying not to get it 'too' complete (if that makes sense) I dont think my voice will really suit this song, I'll give it a go but im expecting to have to hunt for a vocalist :(

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2872916/indie song needs crits numbrero deux.mp3
- too much low end in general, don't be afraid to use the highpass filter
- either make the drums sound more clinical or more lofi to fit the genre
- try to remove as much mud as possible, the mix gets really muffled at the end after the part with just the guitar
- the song is boring, needs either a lot more stuff or vocals. I would recommend the latter one.
The redone is better, but the bass is still not great in general (as in the instrument, not the frequencies) I'd work on getting a better bass sound. And just because it's indie doesn't mean the kick and snare have to be so raw, I'd tighten up the kick with some compression and eq, and same with snare, it could definately use some more attack around like 700 or 800hz. The guitars could use a little more presence too. And don't feel the need to saturate everything in verb just cause it's indie, just use enough to create a nice roomy feeling.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2872916/indie song needs crits numbrero THREE.mp3

edit:FULL VERSION UP (redone)

Latest mix of one of mah choones.it needs depth and someother things that I can't quite put my finger on. there will be singing on top but it defintely lacks something?

Does anyone else hit these walls? Ive had them writing wise but never mix wise before :cry:

Hi Prof positive! Who cares about those walls, you'll find a way, your own way etc. blah-blah. I have some "depth" examinations also going on here but they are not useful to anyone cause I always make some new impulses, curves and stuff to achieve my goal...or at least shooting to that direction where the goal is.
I personally like the song. Has a cool Gordian Knot kinda feel to it. The drums don't seem to match the song very well? It's programmed so try a different snare sound.

Mixwise it's pretty quiet. I'd like to hear it compressed and limited a bit more to just raise the overall levels but not smash the shit out of it. Still too low middy. Sounds kinda muffled.

You should listen to Gordian Knot as a reference for this. I do like the song!
I've been trying to think of a reference but couldn't i'll have to check them/him? out now. For now that's all the revisions Im going to o to the mix until the vocalist comes round.
Id work on the drums a bit more, humanize them more If they they are programmed as it seem!
Really neat stuff!