Need your opinions on a song we're recording

Oct 22, 2008
This is still a work in progress, but nevertheless I'd appreciate it if you'd criticize it as a finished work, so that I don't miss any critical ideas regarding the mix. I mean there are things that i know that needs work here and there, but i still want to hear from you guys.

The song is a cover of a Turkish song, but the mix has no vocals in it yet. By the way, you might experience volume dropouts in bass, result of demo version of a plugin. Just ignore it.

Thanks in advance.
i think the snare misses highs compared to the kick...but that's just a matter of taste I guess.
the guitars spound quite scratchy...
it grooves!
Thanks for the comment. I'm in a love/hate relationship with the guitar tone. I use other impulses, ones give me a more round and bassy tone, but after i listen to this it just sounds more powerful to me. For this kinda song it just fits. On the other hand when i compare to other songs, guitar tone just a stranger if you know what i mean.