I've never been so fucking tired.

Nice lookin' kids you've got there, in an idyllic part of the world. I hope they don't grow up looking like Captain Spaulding.
Rhiannon trained herself really quick, and Connor is following suit.

We go through a lot of M and Ms (two every time he goes of his own accord, or tells us he wants to go)
I got 2 boys, the cork in the dunny is good, it give then a reason to piss in the bowl. JBJ, the hard part is that you can just whoop your dick out anywhere and piss, little boys don't get why pissing on the neighbours trees is bad
I'm rethinking my stance on parenthood, but only if I can fast forward through the hard/messy bits and just watch proudly in twenty odd years when Eleanor Victoria Lord-hyphen-Whoever graduates from Oxford with a double first :).

One of the hardest and certainly messiest bits will be finding someone to help bring my hypothetical daughter into being. Getting out of this house and putting some pants on might help, not necessarily in that order...

KoichCPA said:
Don't worry about the pants dude, you're only going to take them off when you find her..

Well yes, but first we have to bump into each other by coincidence on the train, where I shall impress her with my cheery optimism, quick wit and knowledge of Monty Python, then encourage her to open her own PR business and organise the launch party of my best mate's restaurant.

Damn films always make it look so easy. Back to the drawing board... :rolleyes: