So I 'BATHED IN BLOOD' briefly

The same happens when I see a Subway resturant while in a car/van.

we dont drive towards it. The earth rotates towards us, bringing the subway to us.

Same thing happens when I see a Harley
Although I think I'm allergic to Harley's because my dick swells up everytime I see one.
Glad to hear you're alive Ol!
Shit.... That sucks man, hope you get well soon. Sorry for not saying hi to you and Matt. I was lazy and decided to go home right after the gig. I don't like Satyricon.

Gheh, what do you eat now? Or, what can you eat?
Are you going to do the Viking thing and not wash the blood out of your beard? Although the blood should really be of your enemies in order for that to be historically correct.:lol:

Also Ol, you should check out the Testament forum. Someone resurrected your thread from back in 2005.
As soon as I read the news Ol got injured and Evile werent playing the Satyricon gig, I promptly massacred a small African tribal village in sorrow and rage.

It didnt make me feel any better. :( But aww well, shit happens. The sound wasnt that great that night at the Barfly etc... FATE HAS A FUNNY WAY OF WORKING!
Just been to the Maxillofacial thingy at the hospital (which im going back to in a few hours), and they have to wire my jaw shut for two weeks.

I allow you all to laugh. I would
Ye, if you could...
I'm not laughing. ~brings you a smile
Wishing you all the best.

It sounds so fucked up, and now it's also infected?
Sucks dude. Hopefully those two weeks will go by quickly.