I've seen some dumb shite in my time

That's not dumb. You just need to wake up!

Pisses me off that stupidity like this gets more hits than a good site, like the jref or the sgu. Sigh.

Edit; typo fucking Android auto correct.
its kind of depressing how much time/effort people can put into satisfying their own ideas and alienating themselves further from the intended purpose of music/songs etc

I'd be super fucked off if they analysed songs i have done and ordered people to boycott them just because they missed the point of it.

that said, im probably a mindless drone now so it doesnt even matter :)
I'd be super fucked off if they analysed songs i have done and ordered people to boycott them just because they missed the point of it.

funny, I'd be totally into that if someone took that amount of time with one of my tunes :p

I'm of the opinion that there is NO negative publicity when it comes to that stuff ... for every 1 nutjob out there that feeds into it, there will be 10 that are intrigued to check out more

"Explicit Lyrics" sticker anyone? ;)
haha yeah tbh, people will actually check it out more of that kind of shit you are totally right. wont hurt publicity one bit.

i think its more just disappointing if you have spent some time really working on metaphors and stuff to get it right and then its preached by some nutcase who COMPLETELY misses it.
I agree with you there but the sad fact is there are people out there who are happy NOT knowing shit about anything. None of us is in Wyld Stallyns so there is just no chance of bringing everyone into harmony with our message hahahaha

If nothing else, it can always provide some comic relief ... seeing how some twat just completely misreads everything and / or reshapes it to fit THEIR agenda
Someone go to a farm, get some bullshit, then go to the creator of that websites house with the bullshit.
Tie him to a chair, put the bullshit in his cereal and then make him eat it.
Then he might finally get a taste of the bullshit he's trying to feed everyone.
I just think they give these artists more credit than what they deserve..

Assuming they've had the thought process of "Yeah this will be a great way of secretly telling the world its fucked up and the illuminati / free masons are in control" etc etc

Rather than the actual thought process of "Yeah this looks cool and shiney"
if i drop some subliminal hints into all of my work, maybe he can get me some more exposure?

I was actually thinking about finding a spot in a new song at some point to do a little backmasking effect ... it would literally just be english backwards, saying something like "I can't believe you took the time to listen to this backwards ... idiot!"

I'm dead fucking serious about this too .. let 'em chew on that for a while :rock:
I was actually thinking about finding a spot in a new song at some point to do a little backmasking effect ... it would literally just be english backwards, saying something like "I can't believe you took the time to listen to this backwards ... idiot!"

I'm dead fucking serious about this too .. let 'em chew on that for a while :rock:

I'm stealing that idea, fucker.
I'm stealing that idea, fucker.

I was anticipating someone with no original ideas of their own to steal it

Right on cue, my man Drew :lol:

Do it ... chances are I won't be recording anything new for a year anyway

I'd love to hear it :rock:

I think EVERYONE should do this in some way .. lets take the Satan back in our music!
Nice rhymzzz Vanilla Ice. :p

Hasn't it been done already though?

I can't remember what album it is but there is one with this exact same idea.
the message says something like "Your playing your record wrong".

Maiden did something like it for fun in Still Life IIRC, and ELO in some track too.