I've seen this forum die several times.....

I'm sure like many others, I hold a nostalgic value for this forum. Its so amazing to see 15 years or so on how many people from here are doing so well now. Its downfall unfortunately has been gradual and unrelenting.

Gotta say though, I really don't like how YouTube'rs who've contributed very little to the wealth of this forum are using it as a place to dump their youtube videos in the hope of getting a few more clicks/views. I don't have an issue with people sharing things from there here when its the basis or response to an interesting discussion; its just so much of it is repeatedly dumped here with no engagement or discussion or interest from anyone else. Over time it just means a lot of the old good posts will got lost in with the fodder.

This isn't intended to be critical of the guys who make youtube videos or their content; keep it up and keep at it. I'm sure its interesting and well put together, but also people can search on youtube if they need to find it. Just saying, it doesn't go unnoticed when you're creating new threads constantly in the hope of getting a few more clicks.
Ed, I remember you because we used to live in the same town! I started a similar thread about a year ago with not many responses so I moved on but I do check back every once in a while for nostalgic reasons. I kind of miss the good ol days when there wasn't much of that social media thing going on and you could have actual conversations about a topic.
I hundred million percent agree that whoever posts 10 youtube videos before even introducing themselves should be banned. I mean seriously, the entire main forum page is spammed with the same guy's videos. And there's always one that thinks they can get 5 more views out of this forum. Shame.
wow I was searching something random in my bookmarks and found a really old bookmark from this and I still had my password autosaved so I logged in. It's been so long since I even looked here. Lots of fond memories, I learned A TON of audio engineering skills on here as there wasn't any youtube or anything when I first signed up here like 15 years ago or so!!!! I still remember a couple of the most active accounts and regulars on here LOL. Anyway, in case anyone sees this from back in the day hope all are doing well. I'm still doing audio though a lot less metal but once in a while you just gotta do it. I still have the sneap kick and snare samples he posted as well as the same exact c4 preset saved (from 3 logic versions ago lol) from when he initially posted it!!!!
Damm, I got here almost randomly, really miss this forum nowadays!
Hope everyone is doing fine!

I think over the years I bumped into some sneapsters online, most recently with kazrog who's still making great plugins, and a few years ago with Jarkko, who mastered an album I did for a previous band of mine.

Maybe one day this will be a bit more like it was, it's like social platforms killed it a bit...but now they suck so much this kind of forums are making a bit of sense again!
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whoa kazrog plugins is kazrog from here?

ps - if forums were just a little faster and app-ish notifications wise, they'd be better than any social media. while it's faster on modern platforms, its easy to lose track of stuff and pick up a convo in the future or look through a big thread for stuff etc. etc.

for pure substance, forums are superior.
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whoa kazrog plugins is kazrog from here?
Yes, I think he's Shane McFee if memory serves.
Forums are much better than social media, even without the app-isch touch.
There used to be some kind of "brotherhood" on this forum that is totally missing in other places. Example: years ago, years after this forum has already been declining, a guy from here (Nuno Filipe) contacted me via email to ask me to help out on some guest leads for his album and I didn't even hesitate, dropped everything else and just did it.
Social media on the other hand is full of attention whores that would do anything for a view/like. I don't even go to my facebook anymore cause it's full of unwatchable shit mostly.
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Yes, I think he's Shane McFee if memory serves.
Forums are much better than social media, even without the app-isch touch.
There used to be some kind of "brotherhood" on this forum that is totally missing in other places. Example: years ago, years after this forum has already been declining, a guy from here (Nuno Filipe) contacted me via email to ask me to help out on some guest leads for his album and I didn't even hesitate, dropped everything else and just did it.
Social media on the other hand is full of attention whores that would do anything for a view/like. I don't even go to my facebook anymore cause it's full of unwatchable shit mostly.
true true. forums were just "slow" enough to dissuade the whole "attention as capital" phenomenon of the last 10 years or so. the lack of instant gratification is an effective retardant against the narcissism. i made friends with a bunch of people and used to chat on AIM as well. even james murphy, andy himself a few times, it was nice.
really nice to see all you familiar old guys posting in this thread; totally agree on everything everyone's said.

forum's store information WAY better than social media does, where you may get an instant response but its impossible to find down the line.

its a tough one to get right; in some ways I'd love a more closed community forum (or heavily moderated) so there's less link/work/attention seeking spamming and more encouragement on sharing ideas and discussion. Not really sure what the exact solution is in 2021 when its so easy to share information in any number of ways.
I miss this forum also. I seem to search it almost weekly looking awesome bits of gold that were dropped through the years. There are so many amazing hints that were thrown around in this forum. Incredible. Sad to see it doesn't have as much traffic as it used too..