Izotop Ozone: Dithering and Multiband Compression


Ghost in the Machine
Mar 6, 2002
Manassas, VA
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Has anyone here tried out the Izotope Ozone package? I'm particularly interested in it for the dithering and the multiband dynamics processor in it. Here's a link to it:


The dithering in it is supposed to be excellent. The processor it uses now, the MBIT+, is actually the upgraded/newer version of MegaBitMax that everyone seems to love. It was made by Alexey Lukin (maker made MegaBitMax), who is now a part of the Izotope team. From a dithering perspective, here's a link to the results of a blind test to compare dithering, and the MegaBitMax/MBIT+ has pretty much blown everything everything else out of the water (including Waves L2):


Also, I'm curious about the Multiband Dynamics processor it has. If anyone has used it, how well does it stand up against something like Waves C4?

This package has a handful of others processors included also, and the street price is only around $199. So, if it's at least decent, it would be well worth the money. Any input from users is appreciated!

EDIT: Damn it, forgot to type my "E" in "Izotope"...that's what I get for typing at 1:30 AM.
I use Ozone in my mastering chain and it sounds great, really makes things come to life, and i love the mastering reverb on it. But i mainly just use the presets.
COB, what preset do you use? I have Waves L2 and Ozone. I like some of the presets, but have yet to use the system for my band. I've only dont some sample stuff to get used to the setup. So, what preset do you find works for metal, in a general sense, of course.
Yeah the Ozone 3 is really nice. You really do not need a sonic maximizer, EQ or C4 or L3 in a chain with the Ozone last. It has all those in it:D Plus a stereo widener and yeah, a reverb. Unless of course if you are only using it's wall limiter/ Loudness maximizer they call it. :)
i use the 2nd cd mastering one, the one with the exciter and stuff, then i turn on mastering reverb and set the level to like 25/30 depending
There's something like a mastering reverb??

Excuse my ignorance here, but i am not a mastering expert.. i never heard of putting reverb on the master bus.. does it make a big difference?
well according to the izotope manual/guide, it helps "glue" the mix together, but can muddy it if overused. usually small amounts of reverb can help to make the mix sound more like a singular unit, more cohesive...

you should read the mastering guide they have on their page, i found it quite helpful...
How do you guys like the dithering Ozone has, and do you think the multiband dynamics processor is any good? If the dithering is a good as it's claimed, I may pick it up since it's only $199 and give the rest of the stuff a try.
This definitely looks like a good cheap investment compared to the other similar types of products. I definitely would like to pick up one of the waves bundles but until they go to court and let you actually "BUY" the product I think I'll hold off.
booyah14 said:
This definitely looks like a good cheap investment compared to the other similar types of products. I definitely would like to pick up one of the waves bundles but until they go to court and let you actually "BUY" the product I think I'll hold off.

....very smart indeed. I'll never buy....."ahem".....rent another Waves product again.
Cool cobhc:headbang:
I know many people that do it the way you do. They like another companies multi bands sound than the Ozones or another companies EQ colour.

Ozone 3 is worth it's price. I think it's one of those "got to have it for the price" plug-ins! Kind of like Vintage Warmer!!

I'm still digging THESE for EQ and multi band colouring!
Thanks for the input guys. For $199, I'll probably go ahead and give it a shot. Even if the dithering is as great as it's claimed, it'll already be worth in the investment to me. I see they have a special with all 3 of their software packages right now for about $299 street, but it's likely an extra $100 for extra stuff I'd never use.