Izotope Ozone users - What are your tips?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Hey dudes!

I'm just curious about what you Ozone dudes are doing with it. How do you use it? Which are your favorite like 'modules' if you could call them that. What are some general pointers? Some especifics?

Same here, when I first got it I used it on everything but now I pretty much just use the loudness maximizer, mainly on the master bus and the odd time on bass to really help tame dynamics.
Thanks for the replies!

Whoops, sorry!

I just gave it a very quickly read. I don't think it's exactly the same question, but yeah, it's definitely related. I'm going to read it fully, thanks.

Don't over do it. I use the Loudness Maximizer and that's it.
Same here, when I first got it I used it on everything but now I pretty much just use the loudness maximizer, mainly on the master bus and the odd time on bass to really help tame dynamics.
I'm liking the stereo widener with pretty discrete settings and I like the Loudness Maximizer too. What kind of settings do you like to use in the Loudness Maximizer so that it doesn't eat up the snare's punch too much yourselves?

I've gotta say I'm trying and liking Alloy too. It's a bit CPU-hungry, tho... at least compared to just running like a compressor and EQ plug-in (which are the main two things I've tried in Alloy)
pretty much just stick with the maximizer

i know some people get some good results with the harmonic exciter, but even when used sparingly it sounds like crap IMO
pretty much just stick with the maximizer

i know some people get some good results with the harmonic exciter, but even when used sparingly it sounds like crap IMO

this is my tip.
its easy to overcomplicate things and ruin a mix.
I use the loudness maximizer on intelligent 2 set to clip.
Thanks dudes!

I am using the maximizer set to intelligent mode and with a 'very fast' setting. 0.5, almost to clipping myself.
I use them all at different points for different reasons. For final "mastering" if I use it, I generally end up just using the limiter and the exciter. Although from time to time I'll use the EQ for a notch here or there.
I use them all at different points for different reasons. For final "mastering" if I use it, I generally end up just using the limiter and the exciter. Although from time to time I'll use the EQ for a notch here or there.
How do you like to set the loudness maximizer yourself, Nate? And what kind of stuff do you do with the exciter?

I do like the stereo widener, I tend to set it low (almost mono) for bass freq, neutral for mid freq and wide for hi frequencies.
I do too.
How do you like to set the loudness maximizer yourself, Nate? And what kind of stuff do you do with the exciter?

I do too.

Usually I run 2 instances of Ozone when mastering. The first instance is usually the exciter, limiter and EQ (if I use all 3)...The limiter is usually not doing a lot, perhaps adding volume. In this instance, it's usually 2nd or 3rd in my chain (after the audio being compressed with an SSL master bus comp and then a tape or tube saturation type plugin), and there isn't a ton of volume going into it. I usually set the threshold to maybe -2 or -3dB and I'm getting AT MOST maybe 1dB gain reduction set to like 2 -4 on the horizontal slider underneath the vertical threshold slider (usual gain reduction is around .5dB). I usually don't run any of the bands of the exciter more than 1.3dB, either. From there I sometimes run into a clipper and then into my final instance of Ozone using just the limiter with the MBIT dither, with at most a threshold of -3dB with the horizontal slider set to 1 or 2. At this stage I get 1-2dB gain reduction. If the mix can take it, sometimes I'll run everything a little bit harder, but I don't usually try to push a final product past -10dB RMS in my mastering. And, sometimes I don't use the limiter at all in the first instance, instead relying on clipping and the last limiter to accomplish the same task.

I haven't used Ozone on a lot of stuff lately, simply because I had a Finalizer I used instead.

Rex, if you heard the Decimation Theory mix I did and/or the World of Shit mix I did, those were really the most recent mixes I used Ozone on, but those were both limiter and exciter only. And, it was my old Ozone 3. Since I've upgraded to 4, I think it sounds better overall (the EQ's, MBC, etc.), but I've not done any "finished" work using Ozone 4...Just demo stuff you've heard is all I have with Ozone 4 on it.
In my view exciters and wideners are good tools to compensate for poor mixes. This is stuff I wouldn't really dream of using on the master bus on my own work. Stereo widening as a mix effect on a track or two? Sweet, no problems. Harmonic saturation all over individual tracks to get them to 'pop', and breathe with new life? Awesome.

Slapped on the whole mix? No way.
I use the Loudness maximizer and I use the stereo imager at times to spruce up dull vocal tracks and acoustic guitars. Other then that I dont use it much.

some of the preset mastering sets work with some tweaking and I have actually just did a CD where we were pinched for time and they heard the final product with just one of the mastering presets and begged me to leave it that way....lol
well, im saving for a 5150 and mesa

but for now im using PODfarm, and i use the harmonic exciter on the guitar aux and not my master buss
something about it pushes podfarm where i want it
wait... no one uses its multiband compressor/limiter/expander? I use that thing almost exclusively on all my masters! Any better suggestions?

Also, Voxengo Elephant vs. Ozone's Loudness Maximizer?