Izotope Ozone users - What are your tips?

Thanks for all the replies!

Nate, thanks, man! What about the little slider that's on the bottom of the loudness maximizer window? I forget what it's called, the one that shows the character of the maximizer? like 'clipping', 'fast', 'transparent' and whatnot... how do you like to set that one? Also, do you feel the maximizer eats up the snare a little?

Seth, what kinda settings do you give the exciter with POD Farm? I use POD Farm to and I might as well give that stuff a try.
I don't think the Ozone limiter eats the snare like, say, Waves L2 does. I think just about any limiter will have an effect on a loud, high transient signal on any mix (which the snare usually is), but TBH I've never found any limiter to kill the snare in a mix I've done (maybe because my mixes aren't that good to begin with). I find if you get the levels OK prior to the limiter you will more than likely be OK. Plus, I tend to make my snares a little too thick and loud, so maybe the effect on the snare from the limiter - for me - proves to not be a big deal.

As for that slider, thats the one I was talking about, with the numbers...Maybe I'm thinking of something else, but I thought it had number designations with each "character" description.