Jack: Check it

yea I didnt really bother trying to get the sex scene. maybe ill try on my 2nd run that im doing now... and I did most of the sidequests so yea I know there were some interesting ones... anyway hopefully they release this shit on pc and I actually finish my pc. also maybe i'll do a rant about AC, SMG and ME. It probably wont be as funny since I went ape shit already.

Thank god, it is going to be 2D.
you'll have to excuse the fuzzy pictures. they were takin with no flash so you could see the blue leds.

2gigs of ddr2 running at 1066mhz
quadcore running at 2.40 ghz

mmmm yea.








ive been playing TF2 and Source. I suck at TF2 but i like it. Bear also conned me into playing a 10 day free trial of WoW. I was too embarrassed to tell your bro that i was playing WoW but he figured it out last night.
oh shit felix. I didnt even see your i/m's on steam. I heard some strange beeps i never heard before. obviously i saw them too late. I was doin creepy shit in garys mod.





yea I thought they were pretty cool. my catapult didnt really work out to well though. the girl in the chair flew straight in the air instead of going in a straight arc.
bear i got to the bottom of my oc'ing woes. basically the 680i wasnt designed to over clock quad cores. it was only designed to over clock dual cores. basically trying to get my quad core to 3.0 ghz (i couldnt even get the piece of shit to oc my cpu to 2.6 ghz which is pathetic) is impossible. so in short i have to shell out more cash because evga sucks ass at making mobos. Its bullshit. For what I paid for this mobo it should fucking do it was marketed to fucking do. "engineered for oc'ing". More like enginereed to suck at quad cores.
nothing yet. actually while at work i found a bios that supposed to help make running 1333 fsb with a quad core more stable. ill have to check them out and tell ya how it goes.