Jackson or Hammer


Handful of Nothing
Aug 27, 2001
hmmm.,.,.im lookin to get another guitar.,.,either way im gonna need a floating bridge preferibly floyd rose..,.im prob gonna change the pick ups so it doesnt matter wut comes with the guitar initially.,.,im a sucker for seymour duncan.,., soooooo.,.,.any suggestions,.,. it doesnt matter body type either.,..im lookin to spend about 1200ish dollars.,.thnx
If you've got $1200 to spend, consider a Jackson SL1 or SL2H. Depends what kind of pickup config you want. They both come with Seymor Duncans.

You can get one for just a little over $1200 new from Matt at OnlineStageGear.com.

If you don't mind used, you can pick them up for $700-$900 on ebay.

I have numerous USA Jacksons, and they're just the best...
I'm astonished that people buy new musical gear. It's SO much cheaper used, and not the sort of thing that it matters if it's used or not.
Uh, anyway I can tell about the Jackson Rhoads limited edition, which I picked up for $550 several years ago, believe it or not. I liked it quite a bit, although it wasn't the most versaitle guitar in history. Good for metal, I foud it a bit easier to play faster than on other guitars and it sounded like,well, a jackson.

Honestly, I prefer Ibanez. I have a battered old RG 550 which has amazing versatility, fair playability and gets all the crunch I need with a good amp. My friend has the Gambale model ibanez, which is also very good. Amazing playability, esp. for solos and what not.
It was a pretty weird and lucky experience. I had a friend who was a drummer and knew almost nothing about guitars and whom I rarely spoke to outside of school. He called one day with a high fever. Rambled incoherently, then remembered that he as calling because he had seen an ad for the guitar, then rambled some more and hung up. It was almost like a prophesy or something. I was sure he was wrong but checked it out, found out that he was right and snapped it the fuck up (with some help from my dad. I was in high school). I didn't ask why the guy was selling it so cheaply (I do remember he had chosen to hold onto a BC Rich, which he prefered, instead.) because I thought he might not know what he had, although it seemed like he did.

Later it was stolen out of my dorm room, which was covered by my mom's home owners insurence, but I needed a picture of myself with the guitar. Soon I remembered that my band had played a nine year old;s birthday party and contacted my drummer from the time who contacted the family of the nine year old who sure enough, had a picture of me with the guitar. I got something like $2500 in insurence money, which made my first year of college much nicer. I spent most of it eating out. Should have bought some stock or something, but oh well. That's the saga of my Jackson.

I didn't say it was only good for metal. I said it wasn't the most versitile guitar in the world, but that it was very good for metal. All of this was like six years ago, so my memory's a little fuzzy as far as specifics. But I remember that non-metal stuff sometimes played and sounded better on the Ibanez, IMO. Just to be clear, I'm not saying the Jackson isn't good for that stuff, just that it isn't ideal. Plus, changing or maybe ading pickups could probaly improve versatility, although I'm hardly an expert on guitar tech stuff.
That sucks to hear that it got stolen...

At least you got good money for it through insurance...

There's one on ebay and even in this downturn of the economy, guitars are selling for silly cheap money right now, it'll probably close for about $2500.
hey, maybe it's mine! There's only 200 or something, so there's a .5% chance. Talking about it so much makes me miss the thing. Jacksons have that certain feel. Too bad I don't have that kind of cash to blow on a guitar.