Jackson SL-4 and DKMG

Oh man, I love my Jacksons with a passion. If you have a chance to buy the SL-4, go for it. But it depends on the person. Check it out, see how you like the neck. I love it. Had to sell my baby to get out of debt though, so I'm left with my ESP EX 350. Got it for my bday, couldn't sell that so soon. Good luck. Lata
Well, don't own a SL4, but I do own some custom shop USA Jacksons... I own 3 Soloists, a 84 SD Soloist, an 87 Custom and a 2001 SL2 is one of my best playing guitars.

The Japanese SL4 is a very well made guitar with low action and a smooth neck for quick playing... great upper fret access.

I've played a DKMG for a few mintues at the store and would definitely reccomend one for it's price range.

For the BEST prices, except maybe musician's frend (which sucks), check out:

Matt is really cool and he'll give you a super deal.

Jackson guitars are the best...