Is ReCabinet Worth It?

Oh dear me hehe :p, btw how loud is that tonehound cab? What is the loudness comparable to when you crank up your amp through it? I've been searching for demos and whatnot since nobody has posted anything on it on youtube, would be cool if you or anyone that has a tonehound could do a vid on the loudness.

I'm not sure how well a video can demonstrate something like "loudness," since you really have to be in the room, and I don't have a good camera or lights to do high quality videos with (yet.) You don't want to run amps too loud into it (especially 120W heads, since it's rated at 100W @ 8 Ohms), there's really a sweet spot with it, which is more than loud enough on the controls of any amp I've tried to get the full character of the amp.

It's definitely not silent, but it's quiet enough that I can't imagine it bothering the neighbors, unless you have really thin common walls. I have mine sitting on a rug, which dampens some of the resonance a bit. I've heard of some users putting theirs in a closet, etc. It's audibly quieter than normal conversation volume, but it can create some rumbling when you're playing low muted notes, etc.
Thanks for the Span screenshots. You got definetly more lowend than me. Maybe i shouldn't set the amp the same as i would when micing it.

ToneHound: in use with a 5150 its noise is ok when postgain is set to 2. But with postgain on 3 it can be quite annoying when your sitting next to it. But no one in another room will notice it. Engl amps sound also good at lower volumes so you probably don't need to crank it that much.
A few quick things:
  • Recabinet 3's library was created with solid state power. Previous versions were not.
  • Recabinet does not model power tubes in any way.
  • ENGL preamps can sound great with or without power tube saturation (or simulation), so by all means experiment and find what sounds best for your music and/or productions.

Ah, that's good to know :)
ReCabinet is worth it and at $19.99 USD, its a steal (especially if we get a free update to the external IR featured version)
Thanks KAZROG, you da man
Recabinet 3.5 is almost ready, and will be out this month. Here's a quick preview of Recabinet 3.5 using Redwirez IRs with Speaker Dynamics at 100%:

In addition to third party IR import, Recabinet 3.5 also adds stereo panning, as well as some minor fixes and enhancements. Again, it's a free update for all Recabinet 3 users. I can't wait to get this out to you guys, it's a matter of days at this point. :cool:
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Recabinet 3.5 is almost ready, and will be out this month. Here's a quick preview of Recabinet 3.5 using Redwirez IRs with Speaker Dynamics at 100%:

In addition to third party IR import, Recabinet 3.5 also adds stereo panning, as well as some minor fixes and enhancements. Again, it's a free update for all Recabinet 3 users. I can't wait to get this out to you guys, it's a matter of days at this point. :cool:

Awesome! Can't wait for the panning option personally.
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Wow, sounds nice! Which IR did you use on this example? I never liked the Redwirez so much but your clip sounds great.

Maybe he is using the impulses in the image attached to this soundcloud track:

It´s great to see 96 Khz support.
(Noob question: do you recomend 96 Khz impulses with 48 Khz tracks or it´s a no sense?)
I bought Recabinet a few weeks back, and I honestly don't think I'll ever use another IR loader. Dropping x50 or x30 in front of it, and then tweaking cab/mic/distance for just a few minutes gets me incredibly close to whatever tone I'm envisioning. A bit of EQ afterwards, and DONE.

Even without IR import, this has immediately become a go-to plugin for me. The update is just going to be even more icing on the cake.
Maybe he is using the impulses in the image attached to this soundcloud track:

It´s great to see 96 Khz support.
(Noob question: do you recomend 96 Khz impulses with 48 Khz tracks or it´s a no sense?)

You're correct, the screen shot is from the session and those are the right IRs.

There's no reason to load IRs from a different sample rate if you have your session sample rate available. Recabinet uses a pretty good resampling algorithm internally, but I believe Redwirez uses a really nice/expensive resampling algorithm to provide their library in every sample rate, so you'll technically be best off using the appropriate files for your session. That said, in a blind test, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

PS - Recabinet 3.5 will be released this week (unless something crazy or unforeseen comes up.) :cool:
I absolutely can't wait for this!

I use Recabinet almost exclusively, but It'd be cool to add in more flavors with other impulses but still have the recabinet dynamics!
Thanks for your answer. Great news!
I'll post a test If I have this baby this week, guitars only, same impulses in recabinet with and without dinamics.