Is ReCabinet Worth It?

i love recabinet !! I think if you want to have great bass/clean/distorted impulses in one package then recabinet is IT!!
Thanks for the kind words! IR import in Recabinet 3.5 makes sense on a couple of levels. Firstly, it's been a very popular request for a long time, and secondly, it expands Recabinet infinitely - which is great because my focus is primarily on other projects right now (PluginUpdate, as well as some upcoming Kazrog plugins.) When I do finally get back in the studio to shoot some new official Recabinet IRs, I want to make sure my focus is 100% on that and that the process is not rushed - I especially want to put focus into rare, vintage and botique gear.

Some of you on this forum (as of late) have been putting out some killer IRs as well, and I personally can't wait to try them out in Recabinet 3.5 with speaker dynamics, blending, and EQ. Oh yeah - and 3.5 also adds internal panning of the two channels, so you can finally do some cool stereo spread sounds to add depth to a single track of guitars.

Is there an emoticon for a boner?
First of all it's very cheap.
On an actual studio recording,i can use it for solo's,and maybe bass.It's great in general
I bought it on a whim and I'm ridiculously satisfied with the results. And with the 3.5 update there is quite literally no reason not to buy it. I'm looking forward to mixing in some God's Cab and Kalthallen IRs once 3.5 comes out!
Here's another Recabinet 3.1.1 clip featuring Speaker Dynamics. This is a demo (no lead guitars or vocals yet) of some new music I'm working on with my band, Backmask:

Guitar signal chain is:
RAN Crusher 7 string with EMG 707s -> ENGL Savage 120 -> Recabinet.
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Great riffs Shane, looking forward to the new material! And though I'm not a fan of the e530 character, it's definitely chunky as a mofo \m/

EDIT: Whoops, missed that it was a Savage - anyway, great stuff!
The ENGL Savage clip sounds very good. It has this punch i like...but the e530 is missing that. Which loadbox did you use? And would you mind doing the Savage clip with a 5150? :D
The first clip I posted, I used the ENGL e530 rack preamp. The second clip, I used the ENGL Savage 120 head with a load box, taking the full signal of the amp direct with a Countryman Type 85 DI box.
What kind of loadbox do you use?
The ENGL Savage clip sounds very good. It has this punch i like...but the e530 is missing that. Which loadbox did you use? And would you mind doing the Savage clip with a 5150? :D

I used the Tube Town Tone Hound, which is a different kind of load box in that it uses real speaker drivers. So far I'm definitely finding it preferable to resistive load boxes I've used in the past, in that the power tube response is identical to what you'd get going through a speaker cabinet.

I'll do some more clips when I get a chance. I need to re-tube my 5150 first, though.
i also have the tonehound but i find that it acts like a lowcut for me. i haven't used it lately because i can now mic my amp. i should experiment with it again..or maybe your IR software has way more lowend compared to redwirez IRs.
i also have the tonehound but i find that it acts like a lowcut for me. i haven't used it lately because i can now mic my amp. i should experiment with it again..or maybe your IR software has way more lowend compared to redwirez IRs.

I haven't experienced that issue, but it's obviously going to be relative to your guitar, pickups, tuning, and amp. Plenty of low end happening with my amps here.

Here's a quick FFT snapshot of one single track of unprocessed direct ENGL Savage 120 rhythm guitar tone (from the previously posted Backmask demo track) using the ToneHound and Countryman Type 85:


Not to sound like a stuffy old guy, but you've got to leave some room for bass guitar anyway, right? Here's the same track processed through Recabinet (with a touch of the Sneap Waves C4 preset we know and love):

The difference between dynamics and no dynamics in the above demo is subtle but definitely there. I'll be buying this for sure with external IR support. Awesome work Kazrog.

So subtle that I can't listen to it.

I have tested the demo several times, replacing impulses or nebula cabs with recabinet and sorry, but I don't like recabinet :confused:
The difference between close and far mics is subtle, almost the same as dinamics on and off. Far is far, not 0,5 inches.
Since version 2, there is a poor low end in the cabs (I suppose the impulses are filtered with hp and lp). I remember the free 1.0 or 1.2 version where the impulses are full of low end. Sometimes I still use these old impulses, they are good.
And...I think it sound more static than traditional impulses.

Anyway, I hope the new version is killer, and I'll buy it gladly.