Jackson SL1 or SL2H


Active Member
Jul 31, 2002
Alright, here is my dilemma. I have about $2000 bucks saved up and I had my targets locked on a trans black SL1. I later got to reading about the SL2H and I'm seeing nothing but good scores across the board. The SL1 is a god damn great guitar, but it seems everybody scores the SL2H higher. I'm going by Harmony Central by the way. I'm just wondering, which is better and why? Xeno, you should be a Jackson expert by now, how about a little help?! :p
The only big difference I can see is the pickup configuration. 2H has two humbuckers instead H-S-S like all the other soloists. They're both USA Select models, so they should have original Floyds, Duncan pickups, bound ebony fretboard, etc.

I've always felt that the reviews at harmony central weren't that serious in many cases and I wouldn't base a $2000 purchase solely on them.

Only the SL2H purchase would be based on it. I've played the SL1 many times. It destroys every guitar I've ever touched. Including the Gibson Les Pauls. It just seems that more people like the SL2H than the SL1.
Well, the feel of both guitars are identical, for the most part... some people, myself included, don't like a middle single... they seem to get in the way of deep picking...

I prefer single hum guitars... also like dual hum and hum/single setups.

It's all personal preference, but I own a bunch of Jacksons and Charvels, most of them a dual hum guitars.

If you need a LOT of versatility, to play everything from Jazz, Blues to Extreme Metal, the SL1 would probably be a more suitable choice... But if you're mainly playing metal, a dual hum guitar is just fine, IMO.