Japanese Follow the Reaper

im not to sure myself...im sure Bodomite should say something soon :)

though im sick of the 8 different versions of each Bodom cd they made...the Japanese get the best and the Imports are fucking ridiculas....
I don't own any CoB cd's, because in this town, you cant find any...fucking kentucky blows ass..but, im fixing to buy all of them, the japanese versions of course, very very soon...OBI strips rock!! hail bodom!
Thilo said:
That's wrong, it exists only one studio version of YBOD! Album and single is the same!

I have to disagree with you on that. I'm pretty sure that they are differently mixed.. I would've checked it from Scythes Of Bodom, but the page doesn't work now.. :yell:
Well, yeah, there you are correct. But as far as I'm concerned, if they don't sound exactly the same, they're different versions. So, no harm done and everything's alright.