-The mystery of Spinefarm and Nuclear Blast productions/mixes-


Haistakaapa vittu!
Nov 23, 2001
Hi bodom fans. I got the japanesse version of follow the reaper and noticed that the mix is different. I already know that the Nuclear Blast version have a different production that the Spinefarm and other versions. The other versions are the same that Spinefarm I think... The differences are minimal, in Nuclear blast versions the fades and backing vocals are longer than in Spinefarm. Also some aditional screams are added in NB version. To check that, go to Follow The Reaper (song) and hear from 0'35'' to 0'41. In the NB version you will hear Laiho screaming, and in the other versions you wont hear it. The NB was released in 2001 and the Spinefarm in 2000 so the original mix is the Spinefarm one....

Now my question are:
Why exist two mixes of Follow the Reaper? Have the other albums different production / mix too? Or has it only Follow The Reaper?
I mean if Nuclear Blast and Spinefarm versions of Something Wild and Hatebreeder are EXACTLY the same mix.

If ya wanna check the two different productions, download the files in http://www.geocities.com/lowildchild, at downloads section
cob was dis-satisfied with the original mix so they changed it when it was released through NB the reason why they never made new matrixs for the other labels I have no friggen clue.... mabye it was way too much trouble than it was worth and cost could be another reason..... we might never know.....
I have the same problem that Humus has. I can't find those Japanese versions anywhere. Although I don't have so much money to spend, I would appreciate some help with the searching.... Right now I'm missing the following:

- Something Wild LP/Jap/Shape/digiShape (?)
- Hatebreeder Jap
- Tokyo Warhearts LP/green-LP/Toy's Factory
- Follow.. Jap
- Hate Me! 7"

Damn, I'm in a deep shit if I spend all my money on those.. Yöu know, a man has to eat, too.. :D
Ill email my buddies at music dynasty and see if they have any more SW japan cds in stock..... so ill get back to you guys on the SW japan cds
I want Hatebreeder japanese :)
I decided I would only collect Hatebreeder because it's my favourite album and I don't have much money, but now I have even more Something Wild ersions than Hatebreeders. I'm still looking for a Hatebreeder LP, although I think I'e tracked one down at a mailorder. I just need some money to buy it.
There must be some Japanese mailordercompany that ships to Europa. Any japanese guy that can help us?:)
So all Japanese CD's have this obi and a bonus track?
Yea I kinda guessed that Amazon.com or cdnow.com would have them, but since I live in Finland and I don't have a credit card and all that kind of credit/money order/checks etc. are so difficult in here, so I hate all those foreign companies.

It's so hard to find them in here and then when I find them somewhere, the payment method gets in the way. How frustrating is that?
Extendar if you want them real bad mabye I can help you.... I live in the states and I might be able to order it for you if you send me the money im doing somthing like that for lowildchild cept its for a korean release not japanese
Hey, that would be kewl! I could also have a use for NB versions of all the albums. It is the German versions they are selling in the States, or what? I can order them here in Finland too, but just wanted to ask if I could get them a bit cheaper from you. So, how much are they? In here I could get them for 17,90 euros which is about 15,70 dollars, I guess. But hey, let me know. E-mail or private messages or sg. Prices, s&h and that kinda stuff. Thx already!

p.s. Haven't seen JP yet.. :lol:
The japanese versions are VERY expensivr but if you are a hardcore cob fan like me and others here on the board then they are really worth it!!

Im (trying) to collect every cob release in the world right now I know of 4 labels that release them and I am pretty sure thats all

Nuclear Blast - All of America, All of Europe
One Music - All of Asia, Austrailia, New Zealand
Toys Factory - Japan
Spinefarm - Scandanavia
Hatebreeder definetly has different mixes floating about.

Listen to Children Of Bodom on the Nuclear Blast album Hatebreeder, then listen to it on the Death Is Just The Beginning....5 (NB Compilation).

The compilation version sounds different - less dynamic but it has more shouts in and the harpsichord sounds are much more pronounced than the Hatebreeder version.

The Hatebreeder version sounds like its put through a dynamic compressor.

Maybe the compilation version is an early pre album version?
Originally posted by Red In The Sky
Hatebreeder definetly has different mixes floating about.

Listen to Children Of Bodom on the Nuclear Blast album Hatebreeder, then listen to it on the Death Is Just The Beginning....5 (NB Compilation).

The compilation version sounds different - less dynamic but it has more shouts in and the harpsichord sounds are much more pronounced than the Hatebreeder version.

The Hatebreeder version sounds like its put through a dynamic compressor.

Maybe the compilation version is an early pre album version?

Simple to explain: The version on the Death Is Just The Beginning....5 compilation of the song Children Of Bodom is the one from the Children Of Bodom single. This song was recorded before the Hatebreeder album and can also be found on the Japanese version of Something Wild.