Jaska solos

Well, I can say that I listened to a LOT of COB bootlegs but there was never a drumsolo. The only thing that you can call drumsolo is the drum intro which Jaska does at the beginning of Deadnight Warrior. The is one can be heard on Tokyo Warhearts and some bootlegs.
And yeah, some solos of the other guys would be cool but I think COB prefer it to play more songs in that time because the playing time in general isn't that long.
Jaska's drum solos ROCK!!!

I was at the last COB concert here in Brazil, and the audience was just awed when everybody left and Jaska standed alone on the stage giving us that banging!

I suppose it would be incredible to have such recordings...

I haven't seen them, cause they NEVER visit Sweden.

And Jaska.. i'm listening to some Inearthed right now and his skillz are just.. DAMN! I'm a drummer myself, and there are no better than Jaska. It's a fact. A solo would be cool, but really, every fuckin' song is a drumsolo ;)
The only thing that comes to my mind is that Jaska always starts to kick the bass drum as "intro" for Everytime I Die and the people in the crowd start to clap their hands in the beat. This must look very great from the stage.

Does somebody of you heard his drumming on the Virtuocity album? Some people say that all musicians are very professional in this band (which is of course true) and especially the bass lines and drum tracks would be very challenging. Other people say that the drumming is really boring on that album.
Well, it is Power Metal drumming and not Black/Death Metal drumming. Jaska can play those uptempo parts pretty good and also his blast beats are cool. Unfortunately there weren't blast beats on Follow The Reaper and Jaska said once in the guestbook that there won't be blast parts on the next album, but very fast parts anyway.

And another thing I like: He doesn't use a drum trigger when he plays live.
I have an VHS videotape where only Jaska plays drums.
It is taken from one finlands TV-serie where Jaska was. I can try to make MPEG file from it and put it to somewhere on the net, but it will take a lot of time. I'll inform you in this message board, when it is on net.
Well, more or less all cob guys r freakin technical:
Janne is greatly fast with those keys tho he's pretty young, Jaska is kinda unstoppable "drumming-machine", Alexi's solos r faster than ever... Ale i find kinda a "normal" guitarist and cannot say bout Henkka for the guitars do not allow me to hear clearly the bass...
they come to montreal but i dont even know COB existence when they come.. shit!
i would pay all i have..(hum, not so much at all :D) to see them live!

deadnight warrior tokyo warheart as a drum solo. serch for a video of on MIRC.

Jaska on drum really rock :rock:

cannot say bout Henkka for the guitars do not allow me to hear clearly the bass...

i clearly head the bass, sure you need to listen a lot to heard it!
Originally posted by bodomjuho
I have an VHS videotape where only Jaska plays drums.
It is taken from one finlands TV-serie where Jaska was. I can try to make MPEG file from it and put it to somewhere on the net, but it will take a lot of time. I'll inform you in this message board, when it is on net.
Wow, this would be really cool. I also heard that Jaska had an appearance in the Finnish TV and also Janne showed up somewhere. Do your best bodomjuho, many COB fans will thank you.

By the way: I must mention that Jaska also did a very great job when he helped out Sinergy as tour drummer when their original drummer couldn't tour with them. He learned 10 songs in 3 days and believe me that there are some very complicated parts in Sinergy songs and he played them perfect. Respect!
DualMuso >>

He has special skillz. I mean, listen to Talking to the Trees on their third demo. Pure feeling, how does he come up with stuff like that?

Better drummers.. give me some namnes. Kim Arnell (Morifade) maybe.