Jason Suecof really kicks ass

The sad part is that there are 29474385 bands that play this kind of music (worse) and take it totally seriously :lol:

Yep man don't tell me that.
At the moment I'm recording a band like that...... the drummer is a buddy of mine so I 'm doing this as a favour.
That kind of powermetal is total shit music!
....those stupid lyrics with the words: "power/sword/infidels/steel/dragon etc etc" bah I don't get it.
Haha rock on! Hell, I'll take a well executed, swordwielding, dragonslaying powermetal over any of the myriad of mediocre, heartbroken, at the gates-ish metalcore bands pestering the modern metal scene anyday!!
101 Ways to win over your girlfriend:

#76 Play Manowar's "Pleasure Slave" continously for 2 hours while driving along the most boring stretch of road your country has to offer.
I used to loved manowar music when I was a kid, now I'm a little bit older and I just like the first record, very good hard rock!
their lyrics suck major ass, bah just a kid could listen over and over again to that:
"sword/kill/agony/power etc etc"
Same goes for rhapsody (now rhapsody of fire).
I still remember being in croatia 6 years ago, I met Fabio lione's girlfriend she told me Fabio was sick and tired of those lyrics... who cannot be tired? that it's just Turilli's shit, you know that dragons stuff, that's what Turilli is really into.
In italy we're famous for 2 of the most shitty bands on the planet (Lacuna Coil/Rhapsody of Fire), while we have bands like these:
The Official NODE website
Gory Blister Official Homepage - new album "Skymorphosis" in stores Jan, 30th 2006
great death metal stuff
I saw a band recently opening for Lordi who not only had all the dragons and swords lyrics but wore war paint and animal furs on stage. Its fucking ridiculous!!!
Bands like Dragonforce are great musicians but just need to write a decent song. Sorry but I hate the whole powermetal thing, its like Lord of the Rings set to music.:lol:

Painkiller was a great album and now we have 1000 and 1 second raters basing their whole career on copying it.

Leave it alone.

EDIT: just realised I might be totally ripping other peoples tastes here so thought I would appologise and point out Ive just praised BFMV in another thread so if any one wants to rip me on that feel free.