Jaxx 2/23

Wow I feel so popular! All these cool DT fans offering a ride. I'll probaly figure it all out tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you guys at the show. I'll probaly be wearing an Unearth shirt or a Shadows Fall War Within hood.

I'll get my ticket off your paypal tonight fierce alleigance. I just pick it up at the will call window as if I had ordered it from them?

BTW, I probaly won't get there until 8 PM or so but if you guys want to meet up earlier or something I can probaly be there at 6:30 at the earliest.
For the show, doors are at 6:00, and we are supposed to play early at 6:30 :( We are also covering "Through the Midnight Spheres" from Naglfar's Vittra album.....maybe some of you have heard it.

I hired Eddie (the guy that helped install, build the Jaxx sounds system) to do our sound, since he is awesome.....most of you would recognize him, if you saw him. The sound at the show, should be right on.
See you at the show bitches!

I just got my ticket (had to use ticketmaster since I just registered for Paypal and they said money wouldn't be added to my balance for 2-3 business days). I'll try to get at the show at 6:30. I got an exam at 3:30 but I'll leave shortly afterwards. I still need a definite ride back to CP fellas so look for me in the SF hood.

BTW, I'll try to get there at 6:30. The shit on myspace sounds pretty tight and let's face it, Naglfar kicks ass! It will probaly be the closest to a Naglfar live song I ever witness.
FierceAllegiance said:
Thanks XTG for your support! Hopefully you can make it early enough to catch our set.

Hey man, we'll most likely be there at the doors time, took a look at your mySpace - nothing really groundbreaking but good stuff =) Why wouldn't you cover DT you sad fucks? :)
Creator Failure, man, look out for us, mofo, red All Stars and German flag, we would be happy to hitch a ride with you to Philly after, if that meant to be (all according to road laws fo sho :D)

Here's how I look like:


And here how I gona look like =)


DMANX you fucking cocklover, HammerFall sucks, you remember? :D :D :D
CF, I should probaly apologize about bringing up the rules of the road idea to Plintus on another message board. He doesn't seem to understand that most people don't swing his way but if you do, I'm sure that he'll be able to provide the fare for all of us that you might be bringing home. As you can see he's a very ummmmmmm, attractive? young lass. As for me, you'll just have to settle for gas money or a couple drinks at the bar assuming we go.

I just called my friend and he said Springfield's a good are which just means we won't get shot or robbed. There's always U St in DC if any of DT or anyone is up to it. Should be fun regardless. BTW, is DT still selling that skull hood? It's pretty sick.
DT played the exact same setlist as they did in Cleveland so I'm not gonna repost it...

The place they played in, Jaxx club, was a complete dump. Didn't make it for the first band (fierce alleigance), second band, cataclysmic avatar SUCKED, Devin Townsend band was sick. Their singer is fucking hilarious, he has the most fucked up facial expressions ever. I definitly want whatever drug he's on... and he has cool hair (bald except for long hair which looked like it was on a lepher or about to fall off)

DT was fucking amazing. Jaxx has shitty sound but you couldn't even tell. Stanne is just as good at interacting with the crowds as everyone says. Michael was really into it as was Martin H. Nicholas was moderately into it but he's a little more reserved anyway.

The crowd was FUCKING HORRIBLE! There wasn't more than 200-250 people there. Dark Tranquillity deserves better, especially considering they play at the Jaxx Club more than anywhere in the US! At least the people there knew the lyrics and shit. A lot of people traveled hundreds of miles to the show (I travelled maybe 4 hours of a total distance of about 40 miles roundtrip... I fucking HATE DC...)

Also got to meet Creator Failure and his friend. Very cool guys. CF was ripping off the lyrics whenever Stanne put the mic in his face and Henrikkson gave him the Corona he was drinking after I think Lethe. Some guys get drum sticks, some get picks, CF got a fucking Corona Bottle (with some alcohol still in it!). Great show overall though. I'm sure the others can elaborate.
Yeah, Peter, thanks for the ride offer - luckily enough we ran into our old friend who took us straight home :) Too bad you didn't stick around after the show - the party was RAGING :D
XTGeminiman said:
The crowd was FUCKING HORRIBLE! There wasn't more than 200-250 people there. Dark Tranquillity deserves better, especially considering they play at the Jaxx Club more than anywhere in the US! At least the people there knew the lyrics and shit. A lot of people traveled hundreds of miles to the show (I travelled maybe 4 hours of a total distance of about 40 miles roundtrip... I fucking HATE DC...)
I think the fact that they just played in Towson last Friday had something to do with the small crowd.
Plintus, you have no idea how bad i wanted to stay after and hang out with the guys, but i had to drive 4 hours back to jersey and my friend had class at 9am the next morning so i had to leave. It was good meeting you though, hopefully in the future we can meet up at DT shows. XT i should have picked you up on the way down and saved you from that 4 hour train ride haha, but it was good meeting you as well. I was pretty psyched when Martin H gave me his beer haha, it must have been becuase i was signing every word to Lethe and he just kept laughing. Overall an amazing show, probably the best i've ever seen. The funny thing is I did get to meet Mikael though! I got to the venue at 4:00 and had nothing to, so decided to grab something to eat. So who is in einstein bagels but none other then mr stanne, so i got to talk to him for a few minutes and he was very humble and excited to be performing. Cant wait for DT to come around again, always an amazing performance
plintus said:
Creator Failure, man, look out for us, mofo, red All Stars and German flag, we would be happy to hitch a ride with you to Philly after, if that meant to be (all according to road laws fo sho :D)

Here's how I look like:


And here how I gona look like =)


DMANX you fucking cocklover, HammerFall sucks, you remember? :D :D :D
Oh you're THAT guy! lololol you were soooo drunk dude. Great damn show, it broke my heart that some people left after DTB (and that the awful local bands had fans. CA=worst jaxx band ever). That set was absolutely amazing and it was great talking to Mikael for a long time again too (directed him to Einstein Bagels too since he needed something to eat hehe). DTB was great too, though I thought they kinda dragged at times.

If anyone saw me, I had a black leather jacket and a Red Chord shirt on. I was up front for most of the night and was there since 1.


The smile on my face pretty much sums up the evening actually. :)
Creator_Failure said:
Plintus, you have no idea how bad i wanted to stay after and hang out with the guys, but i had to drive 4 hours back to jersey and my friend had class at 9am the next morning so i had to leave. It was good meeting you though, hopefully in the future we can meet up at DT shows. XT i should have picked you up on the way down and saved you from that 4 hour train ride haha, but it was good meeting you as well. I was pretty psyched when Martin H gave me his beer haha, it must have been becuase i was signing every word to Lethe and he just kept laughing. Overall an amazing show, probably the best i've ever seen. The funny thing is I did get to meet Mikael though! I got to the venue at 4:00 and had nothing to, so decided to grab something to eat. So who is in einstein bagels but none other then mr stanne, so i got to talk to him for a few minutes and he was very humble and excited to be performing. Cant wait for DT to come around again, always an amazing performance

Ha, that bagel story never gets old even though I think I've heard it from you 4 times now! Pretty fucking strange that you, Plintus, and Mikael Stanne would all meet up at some shitty Bagel shop. I guess that just shows what little there is to do in Springfield.

How was the show in Towson Lina? I tried to get tickets to that show but I was a little late and it sold out. I'll probaly get tickets to see Bodom play there in a couple months. How close does the MARC come to Recher Theater?
XTGeminiman said:
Ha, that bagel story never gets old even though I think I've heard it from you 4 times now! Pretty fucking strange that you, Plintus, and Mikael Stanne would all meet up at some shitty Bagel shop. I guess that just shows what little there is to do in Springfield.

How was the show in Towson Lina? I tried to get tickets to that show but I was a little late and it sold out. I'll probaly get tickets to see Bodom play there in a couple months. How close does the MARC come to Recher Theater?

We met Mikael after. Circumstances under which we met Niklas and Martin were biblical though. :loco: