Jaxx 2/23

XTGeminiman said:
How was the show in Towson Lina?
Good but short. Maybe it's just because I feel more at home at Jaxx, but I liked everything about the Jaxx show better, from the setlist (obviously) to the sound to the crowd. I also thought Devin's set was much better at Jaxx.

How close does the MARC come to Recher Theater?
I don't know anything about the MARC, sorry. :erk:
I was the one who led him to Einstein Bagels hehe. It was weird talking to him and whatnot the way there.:loco:

And I can't stress enough how bad CA was again. Seriously, my ears wanted to cry after that band was done. And they had a longer set than DTB too!:erk:
Ichiban said:
I was the one who led him to Einstein Bagels hehe. It was weird talking to him and whatnot the way there.:loco:

And I can't stress enough how bad CA was again. Seriously, my ears wanted to cry after that band was done. And they had a longer set than DTB too!:erk:

again??? :cry:

God they were awful. I clicked on their link off the Jaxx page before the show and was expecting their singer to be a woman... what a bunch of friggin weirdo's.

Looking forward to your story still Plintus. :wave:
I have kind of a cute story about that second band, though. You know the girl in the band, the keyboardist? Well, her entire extended family was sitting next to me at the bar (which meant I had to clap for each song, ugh). Now, that band was laughable on many fronts, but the idea of corpsepaint or black metal vocals wasn't the main problem -- however, that's the kind of stuff you'd expect the parents to focus on and be worried about. But her family was so supportive. The dad complained a bit about the volume, but when she came over to them at the end, they were full of compliments and encouragement. I thought that was superb parenting. :) Made me smile. You'd think most parents would be all freaked out that their child is worshipping the devil or some bullshit.
Hey everyone. What an incredible show Thursday night! :worship:

It pointed out what a shame it is that an incredible band like Dark Tranquillity plays for such a small crowd when an awful, crap band like Korn can fill a large arena. This just illustrates the sad state of affairs of music in our country.

Thursday night also shows how classy the guys from DT are, b/c they still played their hearts out for the 200-250 people who did show up, inspite of how disappointing such a small turnout had to have been. IMHO, DT's sound was actually better at Jaxx than the previous Friday at the Recher in Towson (having gone to both shows myself). Also, I thought that DTB played a better, more inspired opening set at Jaxx than they played w/ Opeth, inspite of Devin apparently having a fever of 102 degrees (I think the "aspirins" that were given to him by a fan in the lounge must have done the trick).

I agree w/ you, Lina, about the family of the keyboardist for that horrible opening band. Very cool that they were so supportive. It's a shame that the band was godawful.

Plintus, I saw you running around the club that night. Were you drunk? You didn't seem smashed to me.

Great show. Can't wait for the next time Dark Tranquillity hits the states.

Lina said:
I have kind of a cute story about that second band, though. You know the girl in the band, the keyboardist? Well, her entire extended family was sitting next to me at the bar (which meant I had to clap for each song, ugh). Now, that band was laughable on many fronts, but the idea of corpsepaint or black metal vocals wasn't the main problem -- however, that's the kind of stuff you'd expect the parents to focus on and be worried about. But her family was so supportive. The dad complained a bit about the volume, but when she came over to them at the end, they were full of compliments and encouragement. I thought that was superb parenting. :) Made me smile. You'd think most parents would be all freaked out that their child is worshipping the devil or some bullshit.

They probaly just gave up and realized there was no hope for her. She looked so depressed the entire show along with most of the other band. That one guitarist on the right was especially creepy.

The more the days pass the more I realize how sick that show really was. It was just as good as the IF's show at 9:30 club that I saw last week.

Plintus-post your god damn story. You can't keep us waiting forever...
Aye, just lemme inish putting those 100-smth pitures together. :)

Creator_Failure said:
awesome pictures man!

haha, thanks - Coroner Crue at it's bestest :D Two drunk bastards with the cameras in the front row... yay!!!

BTW, you can see yourself on one of the shots ;)
Ya, those are really good. I'm amazed at how close you got.
Wow those are really good live shots! I like them cause they're not so close up, kinda far away :)