Jaxx/Springfield VA 8/25


Jun 17, 2003
Apex, NC
(dammit - I had a whole entire post written, and then UM decided to log me out before I was done, so this is a repeat)

The tour got off to a rough start - a number of things went wrong. But they just laughed it off and kept right on playing as best they could, even when Rikard goofed up during "Rulers of the Mind" and they had to restart from the solo. The audience was pretty lukewarm, too. True, it was a death metal crowd, but I've noticed (having been to shows on both sides of the pond) that Americans are much colder in general towards opening acts than Europeans are. Even if the band SUCKS, the Europeans will scream their bloody heads off for 'em. :) Oh well. I do know many people showed up just for Evergrey - and hey, nobody booed!

So tomorrow is "Fix The Fucking Gear" day, and hopefully they'll have it together by Atlanta. ;)

And then my friend Kim and I spent the evening giving Henrik and one of their sound guys a hard time about their love for cheap American beer. I just don't get it. They come from the land of Absolut, and they come here and drink pisswa... I mean Bud Light - by choice! Kim tried to subvert Henrik with some Bass but didn't have any luck, I think. hehe.

I did take some photos (featuring an unfortunate number of audience heads), which I'll post tomorrow night when I get back to Baltimore, as I'm still in Virginia...

Oh, since someone asked the other day, I kept track of the setlist. Read no further if you don't want to know!

End Of Your Days
Recreation Day
Rulers of the Mind
Solitude Within

(I may have gotten Rec Day and RotM switched around, but I can't remember and neither could anyone else I asked!)
OK, a handful of pics from the show that *didn't* come out blurry. I was stuck behind about four rows of people, so there are unfortunately lots of heads in the way. I'm just going to put direct links to the pics without constructing a page right now, since everything will be transferred to my new ISP in the next week or so.

[editing to change the ISP - hurrah for broadband!]

Mike & Tom

Tom, Jonas, & Henrik



Suckered Henrik into a picture with me. Really had to twist his arm. ;) And for the second time, we both came out yellow. Stupid camera. :guh: Will fix in Photoshop later.
Based on the last PM report, they're out hunting for strip clubs in Philadelphia earlier this evening. Mike's name wasn't mentioned, though, so you don't have to kill him. ;)
jaimek said:
Based on the last PM report, they're out hunting for strip clubs in Philadelphia earlier this evening. Mike's name wasn't mentioned, though, so you don't have to kill him. ;)

But I have to kill Tom...hm
jaimek said:
Based on the last PM report, they're out hunting for strip clubs in Philadelphia earlier this evening. Mike's name wasn't mentioned, though, so you don't have to kill him. ;)

heheheh I guess we know where we stand.
So I hope that he won't pay those clubs a visit.
Call me old or whatever, but I don't really approve.

Saxiquine said:
heheheh I guess we know where we stand.
So I hope that he won't pay those clubs a visit.
Call me old or whatever, but I don't really approve.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY !!!!!! I hope you`ll have great day....even if Micke is not there....:hotjump::wave:
Saxiquine said:
heheheh I guess we know where we stand.
So I hope that he won't pay those clubs a visit.
Call me old or whatever, but I don't really approve.


Don't worry.. they'll probably get so drunk they can't even find their way to a strip club anymore.. They'll just pass out in the pub/venue and be escorted back to the hotel in wheelchairs.. lol
Oops, busted! Blame Matt, he's the one who tattled on them. ;) I've always been of the opinion that as long as whoever I'm dating doesn't actually *touch* the strippers (god only knows what's been there before), I don't mind him looking.

(consider the girls you see in the *clubs*... some of them might as well be strippers, with as little as they wear!)

Happy birthday, Saxiquine! :) I'm sure he'll make up for it when he gets back....
jaimek said:
Oops, busted! Blame Matt, he's the one who tattled on them. ;) I've always been of the opinion that as long as whoever I'm dating doesn't actually *touch* the strippers (god only knows what's been there before), I don't mind him looking.

(consider the girls you see in the *clubs*... some of them might as well be strippers, with as little as they wear!)

Happy birthday, Saxiquine! :) I'm sure he'll make up for it when he gets back....

Thanx a lot.
He just called me to say happy birthday =)
And he seemed to be in a good mood even though the "lousy" gig.
Well it will be good to have him back in 2½ weeks.