Jay and Helloween ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Well it was really cool meeting you last night, sir JayKeeley, the British accent was a surprise .. was expecting a Jeysey dude ... lol

I am not a Helloween fan by any means but must say that they surprised the shit out of me and even made me borrow some CD's from my friend. These guys sounded tight and polished last night, true veterans and a fun live band.

The last song, How Many Tears, was a scorcher .. you should have stuck around for that.

Well see you at Slayer on Saturday ...
I have to admit, it was a blinding show. Definitely a trip down memory lane for me - I was quite pleased that Helloween catered for the US audience and played all their classics: Eagle Fly Free, Dr Stein, Murderer, Future World, Halloween...and of course, the highlight of the night for me: Keeper of the Seven Keys.

Sorry I had to bail man, but I figured I saw all that I wanted to see and wanted to duck out from the crowds before the place emptied. I thought at most I might miss I Want Out - did they play that one?

Definitely see you at Slayer - and if you can send any code666 stuff my way, that would rule Mr 6ft 7". Shit man, you'll always get the good views. :lol:
Sorry I had to bail man, but I figured I saw all that I wanted to see and wanted to duck out from the crowds before the place emptied. I thought at most I might miss I Want Out - did they play that one?
They did not play I WANT OUT ... but they did play till almost 12:30 .. the crowd just did not want to let them go and the band seemed to have a ball. They milked the last song for almost 15 minutes.