Fucking hell.....


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Well, you all already know that I own a car since last tuesday...

To my great surprise this morning, I realized that someone busted my left mirror during the night and left no notes for the insurances. So I called the police and I'll have to fill a report for vandalism + running away tomorrow night... let's just hope this won't raise my insurance bill. If that fucking moron was in front of me....
at least you didn't have it as bad as chromotose. i think they took his whole hood and every sort of safety cap that they could find on the engine.

still sucks though, it shouldnt raise your insurance bill. i broke mine (because i crashed into some guys garbage can on purpose) and it didn't go up.
Saem thing happened to me about a year ago.

Also, like a dumbass, I decided to get a new car in college...what a mistake. At least once/week I would find different things wrong with the body of my car. Tailight smashed, mirror broken off, antenna ripped out, etc. I can understand being drunk and roudy but have some godamn respect. This happened to alot of cars in the parking lots behind the dorms.
yeah, I'm pretty certain it's some drunken guy that fucked up my left mirror. Funny thing is, if I parked my car a few lots away, it would have remained the same.
my buddy's passenger window got busted out when we parked downtown the other day and his ipod's cord was dangling out the window but the ipod itself was still in the glove compartment. wtf?
probably someone busted him and he ran away.

Thing is in my case, it's probably someone that lives in a block near that got drunk and decided to piss someone off. If I ever meet that guy and learn he's responsible he'll be sure to know his weight without his teeth.
well, the cop just said it might be someone who tried to steal the car and ended up unable to do it. I guess I'm lucky in my badluck?