Jan 11, 2006
The 'Lou
I have been waiting all week, patienly, for my newly acquired 6505 head to arrive. It was scheduled for delivery today. I worked all day and got home around 4:00pm. Still nothing. I wait and wait and wait.....no UPS it got to be about 7:00pm and I am fucking starving and I figure that they have stopped running trucks for the day and it will come tomorrow. I run up to Subway and back, approx. 5 min there and back trip, and there is a fucking note on the door that UPS has been here and left and the next attempt to deliver will be Monday.
FUCK!!!!So I call to see If I can pick up the package tomorrow.........here's were it gets good......"if you would have called before seven, you could've arranged for pickup tomorrow". I seriously think Wayne Brady is going to have to choke a bitch!!!
yeah that sux donkeys when that happens - I picked up a 6505+ recently and got it delivered from interstate in 2 days, I know just how damm lucky I was......UPS is just crap
UPS isn't really crap...they have a shitload of deliveries to handle. Maybe you guys should consider that you aren't the only people getting packages that day. Not to mention state and federal regulations on hours worked for employees being more strict when it's for higher than Class C license employment involving driving around as the job. But no, none of that matters, UPS just sucks because they came during a 1/1,000,000 shot while you were out. Makes so much sense.

Congratulations on your new job at UPS e.a.!! You didn't tell us they hired you! I'm just frustrated is all because their customer service is worthless.
Just pay the extra for their guarenteed delivery services like FedEx Priority mail or overnight shipping or whatever. $20 isn't going to make or break you and now you're gonna be pissed all weekend and not be able to play your amp when you have time.
No they didn't it's just I guess I'm more considerate about the demands for the services they offer. But then again, I also call the warehouse to make sure when I can expect delivery ahead of time. Also if it's not convenient for me, since I know I live extremely far from there, I call ahead to let them know I'll be picking it up myself. All of this is completely besides the point anyway. The point being that they did in fact show up to deliver your package on the scheduled day that they said it would be delivered on. You weren't at home. That's not their fault. It would make sense to me for somebody that is expecting a package, to find out what time they stop delivering, and wait until after then to go out. I understand that you were hungry, but obviously from what you said, would 5 more minutes have killed you? I think not. Especially since I can almost bet you're like all of us in that if you waited long enough for him to show up with it and you were there, you'd forget all about being hungry and would be jamming on that amp as soon as you could get it out of the box and plugged in. Would be a totally different story then, wouldn't it?

That version might go something like "I waited and waited...I was hungry as shit but I figured I would wait until after they stop delivering to head out. Then right when I was about to give up I heard the doorbell. I didn't eat for another three hours becuase I was too busy drooling over the tones I was getting." Instead of a basic "fuck ups, they came when they said they would and it's their fault I left before they stopped delivering".

Their customer service actually sets a standard as far as I'm concerned. When I ordered my Avalon VT-737sp a couple of years back a box for another customer fell on it and smashed it (because the customer packed it in a moronic way) and what did UPS do? They ordered another one *for* me and called me to say that they were extremely sorry about the mess and that they realize they should have had more strict packing requirements, they had ordered a new one for me on their bill with no problems and that it would be overnighted free of charge as well as me getting a complete refund for the shipping I paid for in the first place. By the time they were done talking all I could even say was "Awesome, no problem. Really appreciate it!". Made me feel like I was important to them, and that they were genuinely trying to fix the problem and keep me from any inconvenience. I'm no expert, but that sounds like more than excellent customer service to me. Not to mention the fact that I got my Avalon 4 days before it would have arrived using the shipping I had paid for in the first place. But yeah, UPS sucks man, fuck 'em.

Also, here is a thought...maybe try going down there tomorrow anyway and seeing if you can just pick it up? You never know.

I see your point. But you don't always get the same CSR when you call over to their massive call center. You were fortunate enough to get a hold of someone who actually gave a damn. I am not angry that they tried to deliver my amp while I was gone,that was my fault. I am angry that when the package was delivered at 7:10 and I called at 7:12 to inquire about picking up the package the rep. (in very broken english) told me that you have to call before 7:00 for missed deliveries. As soon as I learn to travel back in time, I won't have a problem. I work in the service industry as well and I deal with people missing appointments they have set up previously in the week or month all the time. However, I make sure they recieve service that same day. I may have to work my guys until midnight but they finish all their calls, get up at 5:00am and start all over. I could have constantly called and bugged them: when is it coming? where is it now? is it here yet? how much longer? But I don't get those kind of chances between 6:00am and 6:00pm.
I bought a soundtracs topaz off of ebay, and on the day it was scheduled to arrive, I was standing in my garage with the door opened and just happened to notice that a box was LAYing in THE MIDDLE OF MY FUCKING DRIVEWAY SMASHED TO SHIT.


OK, so that sucks but I did pay extra for insurance, I will just call them and straighten it out. They had me take a bunch of pictures of it, and decided I indeed had a claim. So they promptly sent THE DUDE I BOUGHT IT FROM a check for $800. As you can imagine I never heard from him again. So he got $1600 and I got a busted ass mixer. When I asked them why the hell they would send the insurance claim to him when I paid for the insurance and had the mixer they told me it was their policy to settle claims with the SHIPPER.

I never got a nickel or an apology from UPS
Meh. Sounds like you got a rare case there x, however...it does make sense to settle claims with the shipper, since even though you paid for the merchandise, he is the one who actually shipped it. The insurance is under *his* name, not yours. Not UPS's fault. Again, makes sense to me. Like in a case where my friend shipped his amp to me from Florida so I could reamp his guitar tracks through his actual amp, he shipped it with insurance covering the amount to get a new one. If anything happened to it, he would be covered and be able to get a new one with no problems other than being shocked that it was destroyed. Why would *I* recieve the claim money for his amp? I didn't buy it from him...he was sending it to me so he could have some recording done long distance. UPS isn't responsible for knowing what items are being shipped as merchandise and what is being shipped as a gift and what is being shipped as just randomness. They are responsible for letting you know that things can happen and thats why they offer insurance...you pay a small fee and if anything happens it comes out of their pocket. It's not their fault the shipper you were dealing with was a fucking douche bag.

Also...I didn't get a call center, I called the actual warehouse in my city right down the road from me...it's in the phone book.

Look, this could go on and on, and you'd both still be erroneous in your thinking. One of you didn't find out the entire set of facts about their delivery windows and you left before that window closed...the other one had a shady ass shipper...both blame UPS. Neither case makes sense.

X, if you were wise enough to keep any record (electronic or hard copy, or otherwise) of all of the things that happened between you, the seller, and UPS...you could contact a lawyer in your area that does pro bono work and get your money back easily.

Speedo, all I can say is next time make sure you know whats up before taking off during their operating hours for delivery.

Live and learn guys, live and learn.


I've had time to calm down since it happened and I know that I was jumping the gun on passing blame. It was just a case of "the perfect ending to a shitty week". Sorry to unload on all of you