So my new guitar arrives today...


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
but I'm not going to be home so all I will get is a little post it from UPS saying they tried to deliver it but I wasn't home and then I'll have to call and have them hold it for me so I can pick it up tomorrow, which I tried to do already but they told me they have to make one delivery attempt before I can have them hold it which is stupid cuz I would have saved them money by not having to make a delivery attempt.
I live in Green Bay and work in Manitowoc which is 40-45 miles south of Green Bay. And actually if they delivered it to work, it would end up going through the shipping department first before I get it so it'd still be a day later. Also, if the shipping department found out they had to process my guitar they'd be pissed.
UPS used to leave packages on our porch in our old neighborhood, which made me mad- luckily our neighbor usually picked them up. this was the neighborhood that had a rash of break-ins and one night had like 90 reports of busted car windows. thankfully only 1 neighbor can even see our back porch where the driveway ends now, and really nobody can see our front porch.

btw, post noodz of noo gtr in major thrash action. and yes, i realize it's an acoustic.
Actually, I went to buy this guitar from a local music store last thursday but it was all scratched to shit so I had to pay an extra hunerd bucks from off of the world wide web. But I guess it's better than when UPS left my brand new Jackson sitting outside cuz I wasn't home.
The case was included in that price. I told the guy he's never going to sell it for a grand as scratched up as it was but he was being a dink. He was all, 'blah, blah, blah, we can't blow it out cuz we can sell it as a demo, blah, blah, blah.' And I was like, 'yeah, but it's all scratched to shit and you can buy it from Musician's Friend for only a hunerd dollers more (after his fifty dollare 'deal') and it won't be scratched to shit.' The worst thing was that he told me, "The scratches won't affect it's playability." NO SHIT DIPWAD!!! He must've thought I was just some yahoo off the street with too much money or something and didn't know how to play (I didn't play it at all since I already did that).