Wow, my first post on the MotW board!
Anyway, glad to see I'm not the only one who rank Choirs at the top of the MotW/KD catalogue. It's also rather strange how I always tend to agree with Iandork...but that has nothing to do with this thread.
Anyway, In can honestly say I have never been a huge fan of MotW, although I definitely liked them (I only have Bath and LYBM though). I just found them rather uncohesive (don't even ask me to delve into it, I've tried unsuccesfully...they just feel that way) and to be honest, there was a time when I developed a kind of animosity towards the band, mainly cause I considered them overrated and every one of the fans I saw around here had a big mouth and considered all music inferior and "unintelligent"

. Sry.
I've recently rediscovered Bath/LYBM though, and I like them more than before, but they are still VERY far from being favorites of mine....heh, I prefer pretty much every Opeth release over them any day

lol: , sorry, I'm just checking to see if this is still heresy around these parts).
I think I'm also one of the few people in here who wasn't expecting something amazing from CotE, since MotW didn't really interest me that much, and since I hadn't heard the samples. Then the buzz started going around, and I decided to order it online. I liked it a lot from the very first listen, and I considered it immensely superior to anything MotW had put out, but it still didn't quite feel all that great, and once again, I considered it overrated.
Then I started listening more and more, and it grew on me like no other record ever has, and it's become not only my favorite album released this year, but also one of my favorite albums of all matter how corny that sounds.
I think the turning point for me came one night when I was listening to The Manifold Curiosity (btw, I always listen to the album from start to finish) and around the 4:46 mark, it just hit me...this was something special. I was incredibly moved by that particular part, for some unknown reason...I actually came very close to tears
Anyway, all pretentious, sappy bullshit aside...I suggest you get Choirs, as it is easily the best they have put out (well, for me

). You should also get the rest of their catalogue, of course, if I were you, I'd stop wasting valuable music appreciation time and get Choirs as quickly as possible....but be prepared to give it your full attention, it deserves nothing less