Today its my turn for a hangover thread

because I had to go visit a friend yesterday at the OSU psych unit and it was very intense...and sad. I went home and drank a few shots of vodka (I don't usually drink hard liquor) and then followed it up with a few beers.

then when I called the unit and they put me on hold, they played this mournful violin music...I had to tell the doctor, look dude can you find some tunes that are a little less tear jerking :(:erk:
it was a rough experience but I HAD to the sense that I feared it but wanted to. All kinds of patients were wandering around, glassy eyed, and one guy said, in a really enthusiastic voice, "HI!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING!!!!!"

and I said, "fine thank you" and kept moving lest I be beset by bands of mental brigands.

man violins are freaking capable of turning on the tear spigots.
oh dude i'm intensely hung over right now, too--i went out with this girl from class last night and stayed out til 4 and got wasted. it took me 2x as long to get ready this morning, and i almost vomited a few times (once as i came through the door into my office).

oh well. i had fun!
awww, young love
